Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide and Release Notes for the OS Provisioning Plug-In 2.0

ProcedureHow to Create the OS Provisioning Server (Browser Interface)

At the end of this task, the OS provisioning software is installed on the OS provisioning server. In addition, the DHCP service is installed on the OS provisioning server.

  1. In the Common Tasks section of the N1 SPS browser interface, select OS Provisioning.

  2. On the OS Provisioning Common Tasks page, click Create in the OSP Control Server section.

  3. On the Plans Details page, click Run.

  4. Choose variables to use for this plan.

    • To use an existing variables set, select a name from the drop-down menu in the Service component row of the Plan Parameters table.

    • To create a new variables set, click Select from List in the Service component row of the Plan Parameters table.

      1. Click Create Set.

      2. Type a name for the variables set.

      3. Change variables as needed.

        Variable Name 



        Base directory into which to install the OS provisioning software. 


        Name of the virtual host that represents the OS provisioning server. 


        Path to directory in which target host files reside. 


        Path to directory in which OS profile resides. 


        Path to directory in which subnet files reside. 


        Path to directory in which logs and console files reside. 

      4. Save the variables set.

      5. Select the variables set that you just saved from the drop-down menu in the Service component row of the Plan Parameters table.

  5. Select the host on which you want to create the OS provisioning server.

  6. Click Run Plan (includes preflight).

    This plan takes some time to run, usually approximately 15 minutes. While the installation is proceeding, click on the Details links in the Plan Run window to see progress.

  7. To verify that the OS provisioning server is created successfully, click the Hosts link in the left side of the provisioning server window.

    You should see the name of the virtual host appended with -osp. For example, if you installed on host masterserver, the virtual host is masterserver-osp.