Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide and Release Notes for the OS Provisioning Plug-In 2.0

Solving Solaris-Related Problems


I do not understand the sequence of operations for provisioning the Solaris operating system.


The sequence for Solaris is as follows:

  1. The JET server/Solaris boot and install server is prepared for the target host.

  2. The DHCP on OS provisioning sever is setup for the target host.

  3. The target host is rebooted to boot over network using DHCP.

  4. The target host broadcasts DHCP discover packets.

  5. The DHCP server on OS provisioning server sends DHCP offer.

  6. The target host broadcasts DHCP request packets.

  7. The DHCP server on OS provisioning server sends DHCP ACK.

  8. The target uses TFTP protocol to get the boot kernel from the JET server.

  9. The target installs the OS by getting files over NFS from the JET server.


While importing a Solaris image, the plan times out.


Set the default time out for plans on the Master Server. Follow these steps:

  1. Edit the following configuration file:

  2. Set the following properties:

  3. Restart the Master Server.

# cr_server stop
# cr_server start

While importing a Solaris image, the plan fails.


Follow these steps to analyze the problem:

  1. Check the stdout and stderr messages of the plan.

  2. Verify that there is enough disk space to hold the media.

  3. Check the values for the variables. Make sure that all paths are correct and complete.


Provision plan fails indicating failure in spsra module


The N1 SPS RA is installed on the target by using either the snapshot of the N1 SPS RA installed on the JET server or by using an RA distribution. Check the install_ra_from_snapshot_spsra value in the OS profile. If the target host and the JET server are of different architecture, then you must set install_ra_from_snapshot_spsra to “n” and install the N1 SPS RA on the JET server using the "Jet" component.


While provisioning Solaris x86, installation becomes interactive.


Ensure that the console variable x86_console_base_config in the OS profile is properly configured. For v20z targets, this should be ttya. If the installation fails indicating that the boot partition size is small, this is most likely because another OS was previously installed that uses a different disk label format. Use the fdisk utility to repartition the disk.