Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.2 Installation Guide

ProcedureHow to Migrate Master Server Data

Migrating data from the 5.1 version of the Master Server to the 5.2 version of the Master Server deletes any data in the 5.2 version of the Master Server. The migration script stops both versions of the Master Server until the script completes the migration. The Master Servers will be unavailable for the duration of the migration.

Before You Begin

Verify that the operating system version on the server you want to upgrade is supported by the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.2. For a list of supported operating systems, see Operating System Requirements.

Back up your data before you migrate. See Chapter 9, Backing Up and Restoring, in Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.2 System Administration Guide.

  1. Log into the machine as the user who installed the 5.1 version of the Master Server.

  2. Install the 5.2 version of the Master Server on the same server where the 5.1 version of the Master Server is installed.

  3. For Linux and UNIX Master Servers, verify that the database will not be optimized during the migration process.

    Check that you do not have any cron jobs scheduled that would start a database optimization while you are migrating the data.

  4. Access a command prompt.

    • On Linux and UNIX servers, open a shell window and log in as the user that owns the Master Server.

    • On Windows, open a Command Prompt window.

  5. Change to the directory that contains the migration script.

    • On Linux and UNIX servers, type:

      % cd /N1SPS5.2-home/server/bin/migrate

      N1SPS5.2-home is the directory where you installed the Master Server.

    • On Windows, type:

      C:\> cd C:\N1SPS5.2-home\server\bin\migrate

      C:\N1SPS5.2-home is the directory in which you installed the Master Server.

  6. Start the migration script.

    • On Linux and UNIX servers, type:

      % ./

      The migration script has the following command line options:

      -a archive_file or -archive archive_file

      Specify archive_file to which Master Server is archived


      Run migration in the background

      Note –

      If you use the -bg option, you need to review the MS-Migration-number.log file to make sure that the migration completed successfully before starting the Master Server.

      Migration started : date_and_time
      Master server migration completed successfully: date_and_time
      Stopping 5.2 Database
      stop Database in /opt/SUNWn1sps/N1_Service_Provisioning_System_5.2/server succeeded
      Issuing sync for flushing buffer data to disk.
      A log of migration can be found in 
      A log of output of database commands can be found in 
      -d logfile

      Write database migration log output to logfile instead of the default log file


      The migration script now turns the fsync() system call off while restoring the database for performance improvement. This option can be used to keep the fsync() system call on.


      The migration script now uses a new method to migrate the database. The new method uses binary dumps instead of textual dumps for a significant performance improvement. The -dbtextdump option is provided if you want to revert back to the previous method.

      -l logfile

      Write migration log output to logfile instead of the default log file

      -m archive_file or -migrate archive_file

      Specify archive_file from which to migrate Master Server

      -n new_ms_path

      Specify the path of the new Master Server installation.

      -o old_ms_path

      Specify the path of the old Master Server installation.


      Skip Java migration


      Default to yes

    • On Windows, type:

  7. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the migration.

    When the migration is complete, the following message appears.

    Master Server migration completed successfully.

    Note –

    The listener port numbers for the Postgres database, browser interface, and the Master Server are not migrated. The Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.2 Master Server uses the port numbers that you supplied during installation.

  8. Check the log file for any errors that might have occurred during migration.

    The migration script displays the location of the log file.

  9. Clear the cache on the browser that you use to access the Master Server browser interface.

    If you started a browser session before upgrading the Master Server, graphics and style sheets that are cached in the browser might prevent you from seeing the upgraded browser interface.

  10. Back up the data that you migrated to the new Master Server by using the instructions in Chapter 9, Backing Up and Restoring, in Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.2 System Administration Guide.

    You cannot restore data from the 5.1 Master Server to the 5.2 Master Server. Back up the data on the 5.2 Master Server so that you have a complete and accurate backup of the data to use if necessary.

  11. (Optional) Uninstall the 5.1 version of the Master Server.

    You can uninstall the 5.1 version of the Master Server if you do not want to use it by following the instructions in Chapter 11, Uninstalling the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.2.