Programming Interfaces Guide

Using lgrp_affinity_set()

The lgrp_affinity_set(3LGRP) function sets the affinity that a LWP or set of LWPs have for a given lgroup.

#include <sys/lgrp_user.h>
int lgrp_affinity_set(idtype_t idtype, id_t id, lgrp_id_t lgrp,
                      lgrp_affinity_t affinity);

The idtype and id arguments specify the LWP or set of LWPs the lgrp_affinity_set() function examines. If the value of idtype is P_PID, the lgrp_affinity_set() function sets the lgroup affinity for all of the LWPs in the process whose process ID matches the value of the id argument to the affinity level specified in the affinity argument. If the value of idtype is P_LWPID, the lgrp_affinity_set() function sets the lgroup affinity for the LWP of the current process whose LWP ID matches the value of the id argument to the affinity level specified in the affinity argument. If the value of idtype is P_MYID, the lgrp_affinity_set() function sets the lgroup affinity for the current LWP or process to the affinity level specified in the affinity argument.

The lgrp_affinity_set() function returns EINVAL when the given lgroup, affinity, or ID type is not valid. The lgrp_affinity_set() function returns EPERM when the effective user of the calling process is not the superuser and the ID of the calling process does not match the real or effective user ID of one of the LWPs. The lgrp_affinity_set() function returns ESRCH when a given lgroup or LWP is not found.