Programming Interfaces Guide

POSIX Semaphores

POSIX semaphores are much lighter weight than are System V semaphores. A POSIX semaphore structure defines a single semaphore, not an array of up to 25 semaphores.

The POSIX semaphore interfaces are shown below.


Connects to, and optionally creates, a named semaphore


Initializes a semaphore structure (internal to the calling program, so not a named semaphore)


Ends the connection to an open semaphore


Ends the connection to an open semaphore and causes the semaphore to be removed when the last process closes it


Initializes a semaphore structure (internal to the calling program, so not a named semaphore)


Copies the value of the semaphore into the specified integer

sem_wait(3RT), sem_trywait(3RT)

Blocks while the semaphore is held by other processes or returns an error if the semaphore is held by another process


Increments the count of the semaphore