A P P E N D I X  B

Storage Redirection Command-Line Modes, Syntax, and Usage

The Storage Redirection CLI supports both an interactive and non-interactive mode for entering commands. The interactive mode is useful when you need to enter a series of Storage Redirection commands. The non-interactive mode is useful when you need to run a batch procedure or script. The syntax required for entering the Storage Redirection commands in either of these modes is as follows.


<storageredir> <command> <command options> <sub-commands> <sub-command options>

To launch the Storage Redirection CLI and execute the commands directly from an interactive shell, you must first navigate to the location where the Storage Redirection Client was installed and launch the Storage Redirection CLI by issuing the java -jar StorageRedir.jar command. For instructions, see Launch Storage Redirection CLI Using a Command Window or Terminal.

$ java -jar StorageRedir.jar <command> <command options> <sub-commands> <sub-command options>

To launch the Storage Redirection CLI and execute the commands directly from a non-interactive shell, you must enter the Storage Redirection command (java
-jar StorageRedir.jar) at the shell prompt ($) followed by the commands you want to execute. For instructions, see, Launch Storage Redirection CLI Using a Command Window or Terminal.

Supported Storage Redirection Commands and Options

The following tables describe the supported commands and options you can issue in the Storage Redirection CLI.