A P P E N D I X  C

Removing the Software

This appendix describes how to remove the product software.

1. Log in as superuser.

2. Insert the CD into the drive.

3. To remove the software, become superuser and type:

# ./uninstall

The following list of options is displayed:

1) Remove Sun XVR-2500 Graphics Accelerator support
2) Remove Sun OpenGL
3) Remove DCMTool
4) Remove All (Sun XVR-2500 Graphics Accelerator, DCMTool, and Sun OpenGL)
5) Quit
Select an option: 

4. Select Option 4 to remove all listed software packages.

The following text is displayed:

About to take the following actions:
- Remove Sun XVR-2500 Graphics Accelerator support
- Remove Sun OpenGL
- Remove DCMTool
Press 'Q' to quit, or press any other key to continue:

5. Press Return to start the removal process.

Once complete, the following is displayed and the program provides the location of a removal log:

*** Removing packages...
*** Done.  A log of this removal can be found at: