Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 2 NSAPI Developer's Guide

Chapter 3 Creating Custom Filters

This chapter describes how to create custom filters that can be used to intercept and possibly modify the content presented to or generated by another function.

This chapter has the following sections:

Future Compatibility Issues

The NSAPI interface may change in a future version of Sun Java System Web Server.

To keep your custom plug-ins upgradable, do the following:

NSAPI Filter Interface

The NSAPI filter interface complements the NSAPI Server Application Function (SAF) interface. Filters enable functions to intercept and possibly modify data sent to and from the server. The server communicates with a filter by calling the filter's filter methods. Each filter implements one or more filter methods. A filter method is a C function that performs a specific operation, such as processing data sent by the server.

Filter Methods

This section describes the filter methods that a filter can implement. To create a filter, a filter developer implements one or more of these methods.

This section describes the following filter methods:

For more information about these methods, see Chapter 6, NSAPI Function and Macro Reference.

C Prototypes for Filter Methods

The C prototypes for the filter methods are:

int insert(FilterLayer *layer, pblock *pb);
void remove(FilterLayer *layer);
int flush(FilterLayer *layer);
int read(FilterLayer *layer, void *buf, int amount, int timeout);
int write(FilterLayer *layer, const void *buf, int amount);
int writev(FilterLayer *layer, const struct iovec *iov, int iov_size);
int sendfile(FilterLayer *layer, sendfiledata *sfd);

The layer parameter is a pointer to a FilterLayer data structure, which contains variables related to a particular instance of a filter.

The most important fields in the FilterLayer data structure are:

The meaning of the context->data field is defined by the filter developer. Filters that must maintain state information across filter method calls can use context->data to store that information.

For more information about FilterLayer, see FilterLayer Data Structure.

insert Filter Method

The insert filter method is called when an SAF such as insert-filter calls the filter_insert function to request that a specific filter be inserted into the filter stack. Each filter must implement the insert filter method.

When insert is called, the filter can determine whether it should be inserted into the filter stack. For example, the filter could inspect the content-type header in the rq->srvhdrs pblock to determine whether it is interested in the type of data that will be transmitted. If the filter should not be inserted, the insert filter method should indicate this by returning REQ_NOACTION.

If the filter should be inserted, the insert filter method provides an opportunity to initialize this particular instance of the filter. For example, the insert method could allocate a buffer with MALLOC and store a pointer to that buffer in layer->context->data.

The filter is not part of the filter stack until after insert returns. As a result, the insert method should not attempt to read from, write to, or otherwise interact with the filter stack.

For more information, see insert() Function in Chapter 6, NSAPI Function and Macro Reference.

remove Filter Method

The remove filter method is called when a filter stack is destroyed (that is, when the corresponding socket descriptor is closed), when the server finishes processing the request the filter was associated with, or when an SAF such as remove-filter calls the filter_remove function. The remove filter method is optional.

The remove method can be used to clean up any data the filter allocated in insert and to pass any buffered data to the next filter by calling net_write(layer->lower, ...).

For more information, see remove() Function in Chapter 6, NSAPI Function and Macro Reference.

flush Filter Method

The flush filter method is called when a filter or SAF calls the net_flush function. The flush method should pass any buffered data to the next filter by calling net_write(layer->lower, ...). The flush method is optional, but it should be implemented by any filter that buffers outgoing data.

For more information, see flush() Function in Chapter 6, NSAPI Function and Macro Reference.

read Filter Method

The read filter method is called when a filter or SAF calls the net_read function. Filters that are interested in incoming data, that is, data sent from a client to the server implement the read filter method.

Typically, the read method will attempt to obtain data from the next filter by calling net_read(layer->lower, ...). The read method may then modify the received data before returning it to its caller.

For more information, see read() Function in Chapter 6, NSAPI Function and Macro Reference.

write Filter Method

The write filter method is called when a filter or SAF calls the net_write function. Filters that are interested in outgoing data, that is, data sent from the server to a client implement the write filter method.

Typically, the write method will pass data to the next filter by calling net_write(layer->lower, ...). The write method may modify the data before calling net_write. For example, the http-compression filter compresses data before passing it on to the next filter.

If a filter implements the write filter method but does not pass the data to the next layer before returning to its caller, that is, if the filter buffers outgoing data, the filter should also implement the flush method.

For more information, see write() Function in Chapter 6, NSAPI Function and Macro Reference.

sendfile Filter Method

The sendfile filter method performs a function similar to the writev filter method, but it sends a file directly instead of first copying the contents of the file into a buffer. You do not have to implement the sendfile filter method. If a filter implements the write filter method but not the sendfile filter method, the server will use the write method instead of the sendfile method. A filter should not implement the sendfile method unless it also implements the write method.

Under some circumstances, the server might run slightly faster when filters that implement the write filter method also implement the sendfile filter method.

For more information, see sendfile() Function in Chapter 6, NSAPI Function and Macro Reference

writev Filter Method

The writev filter method performs the same function as the write filter method, but the format of its parameters is different. It is not necessary to implement the writev filter method; if a filter implements the write filter method but not the writev filter method, the server uses the write method instead of the writev method. A filter should not implement the writev method unless it also implements the write method.

Under some circumstances, the server may run slightly faster when filters that implement the write filter method also implement the writev filter method.

For more information, see writev() Function in Chapter 6, NSAPI Function and Macro Reference

Position of Filters in the Filter Stack

All data sent to the server, such as the result of an HTML form, or sent from the server, such as the output of a JSP page, is passed through a set of filters known as a filter stack. The server creates a separate filter stack for each connection. While processing a request, individual filters can be inserted into and removed from the stack.

Different types of filters occupy different positions within a filter stack. Filters that deal with application-level content (such filters that translates a page from XHTML to HTML) occupy a higher position than filters that deal with protocol-level issues (such as filters that format HTTP responses). When two or more filters are defined to occupy the same position in the filter stack, filters that were inserted later will appear higher than filters that were inserted earlier.

Filters positioned higher in the filter stack are given an earlier opportunity to process outgoing data, while filters positioned lower in the stack are given an earlier opportunity to process incoming data.

When you create a filter with the filter_create function, you specify what position your filter should occupy in the stack. You can also use the init-filter-order Init SAF to control the position of specific filters within filter stacks. For example, init-filter-order can be used to ensure that a filter that converts outgoing XML to XHTML is inserted above a filter that converts outgoing XHTML to HTML.

For more information, see filter_create() Function and init-filter-order in the Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 2 Administrator’s Configuration File Reference.

Filters That Alter Content-Length

Filters that can alter the length of an incoming request body or outgoing response body must take special steps to ensure interoperability with other filters and SAFs.

Filters that process incoming data are referred to as input filters, so that an input filter can alter the length of the incoming request body. For example, if a filter decompresses incoming data and a Content-Length header is in the rq->headers pblock, the filter's insert filter method should remove the Content-Length header and replace it with a Transfer-encoding: identity header as follows:

pb_param *pp;

pp = pblock_remove("content-length", layer->context->rq->headers);
if (pp != NULL) {
   pblock_nvinsert("transfer-encoding", "identity", layer->context->rq->headers);


Because some SAFs expect a content-length header when a request body is present, before calling the first Service SAF, the server will insert all relevant filters, read the entire request body, and compute the length of the request body after it has been passed through all input filters. However, by default, the server will read at most 8192 bytes of request body data. If the request body exceeds 8192 bytes after being passed through the relevant input filters, the request will be cancelled. For more information, see the description of ChunkedRequestBufferSize in the “Syntax and Use of obj.conf”chapter in the Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 2 Administrator’s Configuration File Reference.

Filters that process outgoing data are referred to as output filters. If an output filter can alter the length of the outgoing response body. Foor example, if the filter compresses outgoing data, the filter's insert filter method should remove the Content-Length header from rq->srvhdrs as follows:

pb_param *pp;

pp = pblock_remove("content-length", layer->context->rq->srvhdrs);
if (pp != NULL)


Creating and Using Custom Filters

Custom filters are defined in shared libraries that are loaded and called by the server. The general steps for creating a custom filter are as follows:

These steps are described in greater detail in the following sections.

Writing the Source Code

Write your custom filter methods using NSAPI functions. For a summary of the NSAPI functions specific to filter development, seeOverview of NSAPI Functions for Filter Development and Filter Methods for the filter method prototypes.

The filter must be created by a call to filter_create. Typically, each plug-in defines an nsapi_module_init function that is used to call filter_create and perform any other initialization tasks. For more information, see nsapi_module_init() Function and filter_create() Function.

Filter methods are invoked whenever the server or an SAF calls certain NSAPI functions such as net_write or filter_insert. As a result, filter methods can be invoked from any thread and should only block using NSAPI functions. For example, crit_enter and net_read. If a filter method blocks using other functions, for example, the Windows WaitForMultipleObjects and ReadFile functions, the server could hang. Also, shared objects that define filters should be loaded with the NativeThread="no" flag, as described in Loading and Initializing the Filter.

If a filter method must block using a non-NSAPI function, KernelThreads 1 should be set in magnus.conf. For more information about KernelThreads, see the description in the chapter Syntax and Use of magnus.conf in the Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 2 Administrator’s Configuration File Reference.

Keep the following in mind when writing your filter:

For examples of custom filters, see Chapter 4, Examples of Custom SAFs and Filters.

Compiling and Linking

Filters are compiled and linked in the same way as SAFs. For more information, see Compiling and Linking.

Loading and Initializing the Filter

For each shared library (plug-in) containing custom filters to be loaded into the server, add an Init directive that invokes the load-modules SAF to magnus.conf. The syntax for a directive that loads a filter plug-in is:

Init fn=load-modules shlib=path NativeThread="no"

Instructing the Server to Insert the Filter

Add an Input or Output directive to obj.conf to instruct the server to insert your filter into the filter stack. The format of the directive is as follows:

Directive fn=insert-filter filter="filter-name" [name1="value1"]...[nameN="valueN"]

<Object name="default">
Output fn=insert-filter
       from="Old String"
       to="New String"


Restarting the Server

For the server to load your plug-in, you must restart the server. A restart is required for all plug-ins that implement SAFs and/or filters.

Testing the Filter

Test your filter by accessing your server from a web browser. You should disable caching in your web browser so that the server is sure to be accessed. In Mozilla Firefox, you may hold the shift key while clicking the Reload button to ensure that the cache is not used. Examine the access and error logs to help with debugging.

Overview of NSAPI Functions for Filter Development

NSAPI provides a set of C functions that are used to implement SAFs and filters. All of the public routines are described in detail in Chapter 6, NSAPI Function and Macro Reference.

The NSAPI functions specific to the development of filters are: