Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 3 Installation and Migration Guide

ProcedureTo Uninstall in Graphical Mode

  1. Navigate to the bin directory in the Web Server installation directory (by default, /sun/webserver7/bin on UNIX, and C:\Program Files\Sun\WebServer7\bin on Windows).

  2. Start the uninstallation program

    • (UNIX) Type ./uninstall.

    • (Windows) Double-click uninstall.exe or type uninstall from the command line. You can also use the Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs option, or use Start > Programs > Sun Microsystems > Web Server 7.0 > Uninstall.

    The uninstallation wizard appears.

  3. Click Next, and then specify whether to save instance configuration information.

    Selecting Save Instances (not selected by default) retains all the server instance directories in the Web Server's install_dir. Saving instances allows you to reuse the configurations by copying them to the config-store of the new Administration Server

  4. Click Next, and then Uninstall Now to proceed with the uninstallation.

    A progress bar shows status. Following uninstallation, a summary page displays. Click Details for more information, or Close to exit the uninstallation wizard.