Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 3 Developer's Guide to Java Web Applications


The following example represents a cached JSP page.

<%@ taglib prefix="mypfx" uri="/com/sun/web/taglibs/cache" %>
   		String cacheKey = null;
    		if (session != null)
      	cacheKey = (String)session.getAttribute("loginId");
   		// check for nocache
			   boolean noCache = false;
   		String nc = request.getParameter("nocache");
   		if (nc != null)
      	noCache = "true";
			   // force reload
			   boolean reload=false;
			   String refresh = request.getParameter("refresh");
			   if (refresh != null)
     		reload = true;
			 <mypfx:cache key="<%= cacheKey %/>" nocache="<%= noCache %/>" 
       refresh="<%= reload %/>" timeout="10m"/>
		  	   String page = request.getParameter("page");
   		if (page.equals("frontPage") {
       	// get headlines from database
		    } else {
							<mypfx:cache timeout="1h"/>
				<h2> Local News </h2>
			   // get the headline news and cache them