Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 5 Administrator's Guide

Setting Log Rotation

You can create a schedule for error/access log rotation for the configured instances by using the log rotation option. To set up log rotation, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Configuration tab.

  2. Select the configuration for which you need to enable/edit log settings.

  3. Click the General Settings > Log Settings tab.

  4. Under Log Archiving, click New.

The fields in the new log rotation page is described in the following section:

Table 13–7 Field Description > Setting Log Rotation




Access Log Rotation / Server Log Rotation. Select any or both of these options to configure rotation for that log type.


The configured time when the event will start. Select the hour and minutes value from the drop-down box. 

Every Day — Starts the event specified every day at the specified time.

Specific Days — Starts the event specified at specific days.

1. Days — Specify any day from Sunday to Saturday.

2. Dates — Specify any day of the month from 1 to 31 as comma separated entries. E.g. 4,23,9

Specific Months — Starts the event specified at the specific time and month. Specify month from January to December.


Start the specified event after this time period. 

1. Every Hours — Select the number of hours from the drop-down box.

2. Every Seconds — Select the number of seconds from the drop-down box.

If you need to delete the scheduled log rotation, Click Delete in the Log Archiving section.