Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 7 Administrator's Configuration File Reference


The append-trailer function sends an HTML file and appends text to it. This is typically used for author information and copyright text. The date when the file was last modified can be inserted.


Returns REQ_ABORTED if a required parameter is missing, if there is extra path information after the file name in the URL, or if the file cannot be opened for read-only access.


The following table describes parameters for the append-trailer function.

Table 7–82 append-trailer Parameters




Text to append to HTML documents. The string is unescaped with util_uri_unescape before being sent. The text can contain HTML tags, and can be up to 512 characters long after unescaping and inserting the date.

If you use the string :LASTMOD: which is replaced by the date the file was last modified, you must also specify a time format with timefmt.


(Optional) Time format string for :LASTMOD:. If timefmt is not provided, :LASTMOD: will not be replaced with the time.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default output stream buffer size (in bytes), for data sent to the client. For more information, see Service.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the maximum number of milliseconds between write operations in which buffering is enabled. For more information, see Service.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default buffer size, in bytes, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service.


(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default timeout, in seconds, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service.


(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions. Adds a bucket to monitor performance. For more information, see The bucket Parameter.


Service type="text/html" method="GET" fn="append-trailer" 
     trailer="<hr><img src=/logo.gif> Copyright 1999"

# Add a trailer with the date in the format: MM/DD/YY 
Service type="text/html" method="GET" fn="append-trailer" 
     timefmt="%D" trailer="<HR>File last updated on: :LASTMOD:"

See Also