Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Release Notes


The following table lists the known issues in the localized version of Web Server.

Table 12 Known Issues in Localization

Problem ID 



Search filter “*” does not work correctly for multi-byte strings.


There is no functionality equivalent to use-responseCT-for-headers in Web Server 7.0.

Response header encoding is enabled at the web-app level by setting the value of the configuration parameter use-responseCT-for-headers to any of the values; yes, true, or on in the web-app/sun-web.xml file.

For example, set Response header encoding as follows: 

<parameter-encoding form-hint-field="j_encoding"/>
<property name="use-responseCT-for-headers" value="true" />


Creating socket error message is not localized.


patchrm 125437-15 fails if they are installed in Japanese locale.

Installing patchrm 125437-15 in Japanese locale fails and throws the below error: 

WARNING: patchrm returned <7>

The log file output is as below:  

 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 4: `(' unexpected pkgadd: 
ERROR: checkinstall script did not complete successfully
Installation of <SUNWwbsvr7x> partially failed.

This issue is observed in the following platforms: 

  • SPARC Platform - Solaris 10 with patch 119254-40 through 119254-47 and without 119254-48

  • x86 - Solaris 10 with patch 119255-40 through 119255-47 and without 119255-48


  1. Avoid installing the above listed affected patches. If these patches are already installed, you can remove them by using the patchrm(1M) command to return to a safe patch level.

  2. Avoid installing patches with Japanese locale.

    For more information, see

  3. Apply patch 119254-48 or higher on Solaris 10 SPARC platform and patch 119255-48 or higher on Solaris 10 x86 platform.