Sun Java System Message Queue 3.7 UR1 Installation Guide

Finding and Removing Earlier Message Queue Versions

Because Message Queue is installed with other products (such as Sun Java System Application Server), you should check whether an earlier version has already been installed on your system and, if so, uninstall it before installing Message Queue 3.7 UR1.

Migrating Files from an Earlier Installation

If Message Queue Version 3.0.x or 3.5 is already installed on your system and you want to preserve any of its instance data files (flat-file user repository, access control properties file, or password file), you will need to use the mqmigrate utility to migrate those files before uninstalling the earlier version of Message Queue. If you do not want to preserve your old data files, there is no need to run the mqmigrate utility.

Before you run the mqmigrate utility, you must be root.

su root

When prompted, enter your root password.

The mqmigrate utility assumes that the data files to be migrated are located in the standard directories shown in Table 3–2. In Message Queue 3.0.x installations, the base directory baseDir is assumed by default to be /opt, but the files may be installed in another, nonstandard base directory instead. The mqmigrate command provides an option, -basedir, for designating an alternate base directory from which to migrate the files:

./mqmigrate [-basedir baseDir]

For example, if the earlier installation's data files reside in a directory named, /export, you would migrate them with the command

./mqmigrate -basedir /export

Table 3–2 Message Queue Standard Data Directories

Message Queue Version 

Standard Data Directories 







3.7 UR1 


Removing an Earlier Installation

Depending on the version, Message Queue might have been installed using either .tar files or the Red Hat Package Manager (RPM). You must therefore check for both of these installation methods. It is recommended that you check first for RPM installations and then for .tar file installations.

ProcedureTo Find and Remove Earlier RPM-Installed Versions of Message Queue

  1. Check your system for an existing Message Queue installation.

    Enter the command

    imqbrokerd -version

    If an earlier version of Message Queue is already installed, the version number is displayed.

    • If no previous Message Queue installation is present, you can proceed to install Message Queue 3.7 UR1, as described in Installation Procedure.

    • If you do find an existing Message Queue installation, go on to the next step.

  2. Become root.

    su root

    Enter you root password.

  3. (Optional) Migrate data files from the existing installation.

    If the existing installation is of Message Queue Version 3.5 or earlier and you want to preserve its existing data files, use the command


    to migrate the installation's broker configuration files, persistent data, and security-related files to their proper locations for your planned Message Queue 3.7 UR1 installation. (This step is not necessary if the existing installation is of Message Queue 3.6 or later.)

    Note –

    If you are migrating from a Message Queue 3.0.x installation located in a base directory other than the default (/opt), use the mqmigrate command's -basedir option to specify the alternate base directory. For example, if the existing installation resides in a base directory named /export, use the following command to migrate its data files.

    ./mqmigrate -basedir /export

    If you do not know the correct base directory, you can find it by searching for the Message Queue imqbrokerd executable and noting its root installation directory.

  4. Remove the existing Message Queue installed software.

    Issue the following command(s) in the following order:

    • For Message Queue Version 3.5 or earlier:

      rpm -e imq-ent

      rpm -e imq

    • For Message Queue version 3.6 or 3.7:

      List Message Queue installed packages using the following command.

      rpm -qa | grep mq

    Remove listed packages using the following syntax:

    rpm -e pack1 [[,pack2]...]

ProcedureTo Find and Remove Earlier Tar-Based Installed Message Queue

  1. See if the default Message Queue installation directory (/opt/imq/bin) exists on your system.

    If not found, Message Queue might have been installed in a non-default location. If you cannot remember the installation directory, search for the Message Queue imqbrokerd executable and note its root install directory.

    If there is no previous Message Queue installation, proceed to install Message Queue by following the directions in Installation Procedure.

  2. If you find an earlier Message Queue installation in the default location (/opt/imq/bin), remove it as follows:

    1. If you want to preserve existing broker instance data, run the mqmigrate utility (in the Message Queue 3.7 UR1 distribution) as described in Migrating Files from an Earlier Installation.

      The mqmigrate utility moves existing broker instance data (broker configuration files and persistent data) and security-related files, to new Message Queue 3.7 UR1 locations.

    2. Remove the /opt/imq/ directory and all its contents.

      rm -rf /opt/imq