The Java EE 5 Tutorial

Cursor API

As the name implies, the StAX cursor API represents a cursor with which you can walk an XML document from beginning to end. This cursor can point to one thing at a time, and always moves forward, never backward, usually one infoset element at a time.

The two main cursor interfaces are XMLStreamReader and XMLStreamWriter. XMLStreamReader includes accessor methods for all possible information retrievable from the XML Information model, including document encoding, element names, attributes, namespaces, text nodes, start tags, comments, processing instructions, document boundaries, and so forth; for example:

public interface XMLStreamReader {
    public int next() throws XMLStreamException;
    public boolean hasNext() throws XMLStreamException;
    public String getText();
    public String getLocalName();
    public String getNamespaceURI();
    // ... other methods not shown

You can call methods on XMLStreamReader, such as getText and getName, to get data at the current cursor location. XMLStreamWriter provides methods that correspond to StartElement and EndElement event types; for example:

public interface XMLStreamWriter {
    public void writeStartElement(String localName) 
        throws XMLStreamException;
    public void writeEndElement() 
        throws XMLStreamException;
    public void writeCharacters(String text) 
        throws XMLStreamException;
// ... other methods not shown

The cursor API mirrors SAX in many ways. For example, methods are available for directly accessing string and character information, and integer indexes can be used to access attribute and namespace information. As with SAX, the cursor API methods return XML information as strings, which minimizes object allocation requirements.