Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Administration Guide

Chapter 4 Configuring Java Message Service Resources

The Application Server implements the Java Message Service (JMS) API by integrating the Sun Java System Message Queue (formerly Sun ONE Message Queue) software into the Application Server. For basic JMS API administration tasks, use the Application Server Admin Console. For advanced tasks, including administering a Message Queue cluster, use the tools provided in the MQ-as-install/imq/bin directory. For details about administering Message Queue, see the Message Queue Administration Guide.

This chapter describes how to configure resources for applications that use the Java Message Service (JMS) API. It contains the following sections:

JMS Resources

The Java Message Service (JMS) API uses two kinds of administered objects:

These objects are created administratively, and how they are created is specific to each implementation of JMS. In the Application Server, perform the following tasks:

JMS applications use the JNDI API to access the connection factory and destination resources. A JMS application normally uses at least one connection factory and at least one destination. To learn what resources to create, study the application or consult with the application developer.

There are three types of connection factories:

There are two kinds of destinations:

The chapters on JMS in the Java EE 5 Tutorial provide details on these two types of communication and other aspects of JMS (see

The order in which the resources are created does not matter.

For a Java EE application, specify connection factory and destination resources in the Application Server deployment descriptors as follows:

The Relationship Between JMS Resources and Connector Resources

The Application Server implements JMS by using a system resource adapter named jmsra. When a user creates JMS resources, the Application Server automatically creates connector resources that appear under the Connectors node in the Admin Console’s tree view.

For each JMS connection factory that a user creates, the Application Server creates a connector connection pool and connector resource. For each JMS destination a user creates, the Application Server creates an admin object resource. When the user deletes the JMS resources, the Application Server automatically deletes the connector resources.

It is possible to create connector resources for the JMS system resource adapter by using the Connectors node of the Admin Console instead of the JMS Resources node. See Chapter 7, Connector Resources for details.

JMS Connection Factories

JMS connection factories are objects that allow an application to create other JMS objects programmatically. These administered objects implement the ConnectionFactory, QueueConnectionFactory, and TopicConnectionFactory interfaces. Using the Application Server Admin Console, you can create, edit, or delete a JMS Connection Factory. The creation of a new JMS connection factory also creates a connector connection pool for the factory and a connector resource.

To manage JMS connection factories using the command-line utility, use create-jms-resource, list-jms-resources, or delete-jms-resource command.

JMS Destination Resources

JMS destinations serve as the repositories for messages. Using the Admin Console, you can create, modify or delete JMS Destination Resources. To create a new JMS Destination Resource, select Resources >JMS Resources >Destination Resources. In the Destination Resources page, you can specify the following:

To manage JMS destinations using the command-line utility, use create-jms-resource, or delete-jms-resource command.

Tip –

To specify the addresslist property (in the format host:mqport,host2:mqport,host3:mqport) for asadmin create-jms-resource command, escape the : by using \\. For example, host1\\:mqport,host2\\:mqport,host3\\:mpqport.

For more information on using escape characters, see the asadmin(8) man page.

JMS Physical Destinations

For production purposes, always create physical destinations. During the development and testing phase, however, this step is not required. The first time that an application accesses a destination resource, Message Queue automatically creates the physical destination specified by the Name property of the destination resource. The physical destination is temporary and expires after a period specified by a Message Queue configuration property.

To create a physical destination from the Admin Console, select Configuration >Physical Destinations. In the Create Physical Destinations page, specify a name for the physical destination and choose the type of destination, which can be topic or queue. For more details about the fields and properties in the Physical Destinations page, refer the Admin Console Online Help.

For production purposes, always create physical destinations. During the development and testing phase, however, this step is not required. The first time an application accesses a destination resource, Message Queue automatically creates the physical destination specified by the Name property of the destination resource. The physical destination is temporary and expires after a period specified by a Message Queue configuration property.

To manage JMS physical destinations using the command-line utility, use create-jmsdest, flush-jmsdest, or delete-jmsdest command.

Configuring JMS Provider Properties

Use the JMS Service page in the Admin Console to configure properties to be used by all JMS connections. In the Admin Console, select Configurations >Java Message Service. In the JMS Service page, you can control the following general JMS settings.

Values of all these properties can be updated at run time too. However, only those connection factories that are created after the properties are updated, will get the updated values. The existing connection factories will continue to have the original property values. Also, for almost all of the values to take effect, the application server needs to be restarted. The only property that can be updated without having to restart the application server is the default JMS host.

To manage JMS providers using the command-line utility, use the set or jms-ping commands.

Accessing Remote Servers

Changing the provider and host to a remote system causes all JMS applications to run on the remote server. To use both the local server and one or more remote servers, create a connection factory resource with the AddressList property to create connections that access remote servers.

Foreign JMS Providers

Generic Resource Adapter 1.5 for JMS is a Java EE Connector 1.5 resource adapter that can wrap the JMS client library of external JMS providers such as IBM Websphere MQ, Tibco EMS, and Sonic MQ among others, and thus integrate any JMS provider with a Java EE 5 application server such as Sun Java System Application Server. The adapter is a.rar archive that can be deployed and configured using a Java EE 5 application server's administration tools.

Configuring the Generic Resource Adapter for JMS

Application Server's administration tools can be used to deploy and configure the generic resource adapter for JMS. This section explains how to configure Generic Resource Adapter for JMS with Sun Java System Application Server.

Overall, the Resource Adapter can be configured to indicate whether the JMS provider supports XA or not. It is also possible to indicate what mode of integration is possible with the JMS provider. Two modes of integration are supported by the resource adapter. The first one uses JNDI as the means of integration. In this case, administered objects are set up in the JMS provider's JNDI tree and will be looked up for use by the generic resource adapter. If that mode is not suitable for integration, it is also possible to use the Java reflection of JMS administered object javabean classes as the mode of integration.

You can use the Admin Console or the command-line to configure the resource adapter. This is not different from configuring any other resource adapter.

Configuring the Generic Resource Adapter

Prior to deploying the resource adapter, JMS client libraries should be made available to the application server. For some JMS providers, client libraries may also include native libraries. In such cases, these native libraries should also be made available to the application server JVM(s).

  1. Deploy the generic resource adapter the same way you would deploy a connector module.

  2. Create a connector connection pool.

  3. Create a connector resource.

  4. Create an administered object resource.

  5. Make the following changes to the security policy in the Application Server:

    • Modify sjsas_home/domains/domain1/config/server.policy to add java.util.logging.LoggingPermission "control"

    • Modify sjsas_home/lib/appclient/client.policy to add permission " ^ \"^\"","read":

Resource Adapter Properties

The following table presents the properties to be used while creating the resource adapter.

Property Name

Valid Values

Default Value





Decides the mode of integration between the resource adapter and the JMS client. 


Name of the class available in the application server classpath, for example: 



Class name of javax.jms.ConnectionFactory implementation of the JMS client. Used if ProviderIntegrationMode is javabean.


Name of the class available in the application server classpath, for example: 



Class name of javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory implementation of the JMS client. Used if ProviderIntegrationMode is javabean.


Name of the class available in the application server classpath , for example: 



Class name of javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory implementation of the JMS client. Used if ProviderIntegrationMode is specified as javabean.


Name of the class available in application server classpath , for example: 



Class name of javax.jms.ConnectionFactory implementation of the JMS client. Used if ProviderIntegrationMode is specified as javabean.


Name of the class available in application server classpath , for example: 



Class name of javax.jms.XAQueueConnectionFactory implementation of the JMS client. Used if ProviderIntegrationMode is specified as javabean.


Name of the class available in application server classpath , for example: 



Class name of javax.jms.XATopicConnectionFactory implementation of the JMS client. Used if ProviderIntegrationMode is javabean.


Name of the class available in application server classpath , for example: 



Class Name of javax.jms.Topic implementation of the JMS client. Used if ProviderIntegrationMode is javabean.


Name of the class available in application server classpath , for example: 



Class Name of javax.jms.Queue implementation of the JMS client. Used if ProviderIntegrationMode is specified as a javabean.




Specifies whether the JMS client supports XA or not. 


Name value pairs separated by comma 


Specifies the javabean property names and values of the ConnectionFactory of the JMS client. Required only if ProviderIntegrationMode is javabean.


Name value pairs separated by comma 


Specifies the JNDI provider properties to be used for connecting to the JMS provider's JNDI. Used only if ProviderIntegrationMode is jndi.


Method name 


Specifies the common setter method name that some JMS vendors use to set the properties on their administered objects. Used only if ProviderIntegrationMode is javabean. In the case of Sun Java System Message Queue, this property is named setProperty.


Name of the JMS user 


User name to connect to the JMS Provider. 


Password for the JMS user 


Password to connect to the JMS provider. 


ProviderManaged or OnePerPhysicalConnection


The isSameRM method on an XAResource is used by the Transaction Manager to determine if the Resource Manager instance represented by two XAResources are the same. When RMPolicy is set to ProviderManaged (the default value), the JMS provider is responsible for determining the RMPolicy and the XAResource wrappers in the Generic Resource Adapter merely delegate the isSameRM call to the message queue provider's XA resource implementations. This should ideally work for most message queue products.

Some XAResource implementations such as IBM MQ Series rely on a resource manager per physical connection and this causes issues when there is inbound and outbound communication to the same queue manager in a single transaction (for example, when an MDB sends a response to a destination). When RMPolicy is set to OnePerPhysicalConnection, the XAResource wrapper implementation's isSameRM in Generic Resource Adapter would check if both the XAResources use the same physical connection, before delegating to the wrapped objects.

ManagedConnectionFactory Properties

ManagedConnectionFactory properties are specified when a connector-connection-pool is created. All the properties specified while creating the resource adapter can be overridden in a ManagedConnectionFactory. Additional properties available only in ManagedConnectionFactory are given below.

Property Name

Valid Value

Default Value



A valid client ID 


ClientID as specified by JMS 1.1 specification.


JNDI Name 


JNDI name of the connection factory bound in the JNDI tree of the JMS provider. The administrator should provide all connection factory properties (except clientID) in the JMS provider itself. This property name will be used only if ProviderIntegratinMode is jndi.




If set to true, the resource adapter will use an exception listener to catch any connection exception and will send a CONNECTION_ERROR_OCCURED event to application server.

Administered Object Resource Properties

Properties in this section are specified when an administered object resource is created. All the resource adapter properties can be overridden in an administered resource object. Additional properties available only in the administered object resource are given below.

Property Name

Valid Value

Default Value



JNDI Name 


JNDI name of the destination bound in the JNDI tree of the JMS provider. The Administrator should provide all properties in the JMS provider itself. This property name will be used only if ProviderIntegrationMode is jndi.


Name value pairs separated by comma 


Specifies the javabean property names and values of the destination of the JMS client. Required only if ProviderIntegrationMode is javabean.

Activation Spec Properties

Properties in this section are specified in the Sun-specific deployment descriptor of MDB as activation-config-properties. All the resource adapter properties can be overridden in an Activation Spec. Additional properties available only in ActivationSpec are given below.

Property Name

Valid Value

Default Value



An integer 

Maximum size of server session pool internally created by the resource adapter for achieving concurrent message delivery. This should be equal to the maximum pool size of MDB objects. 


An integer 

The resource adapter will wait for the time in seconds specified by this property to obtain a server session from its internal pool. If this limit is exceeded, message delivery will fail. 


Durable or Non-Durable 


SubscriptionDurability as specified by JMS 1.1 specification.




SubscriptionName as specified by JMS 1.1 specification.


A valid message selector 


MessageSelector as specified by JMS 1.1 specification.


A valid client ID 


ClientID as specified by JMS 1.1 specification.


A valid JNDI Name 


JNDI name of connection factory created in JMS provider. This connection factory will be used by resource adapter to create a connection to receive messages. Used only if ProviderIntegrationMode is configured as jndi.


A valid JNDI Name 


JNDI name of destination created in JMS provider. This destination will be used by resource adapter to create a connection to receive messages from. Used only if ProviderIntegrationMode is configured as jndi.


javax.jms.Queue or javax.jms.Topic


Type of the destination the MDB will listen to. 


Name-value pairs separated by comma 


Specifies the javabean property names and values of the destination of the JMS client. Required only if ProviderIntegrationMode is javabean.



Number of times a message will be delivered if a message causes a runtime exception in the MDB. 


time in seconds 

Interval between repeated deliveries, if a message causes a runtime exception in the MDB. 




Indicates whether the resource adapter should send the messages to a dead message destination, if the number of delivery attempts is exceeded. 


a valid JNDI name. 


JNDI name of the destination created in the JMS provider. This is the target destination for dead messages. This is used only if ProviderIntegrationMode is jndi.


class name of destination object. 


Used if ProviderIntegrationMode is javabean.


Name Value Pairs separated by comma 


Specifies the javabean property names and values of the destination of the JMS client. This is required only if ProviderIntegrationMode is javabean.




Number of times a reconnect will be attempted in case exception listener catches an error on connection. 


time in seconds 

Interval between reconnects.