Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Troubleshooting Guide

Chapter 3 Installation Problems

This section covers the problems you may encounter while installing the Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Update 1 with MySQL Community Server bundle. This chapter provides solutions to installation problems indicated by the following warnings in the installation log files

WARNING: Cannot update install-dir/mysql


The installation program is not able to create the mysql.ini file in the install-dir/mysql directory. This file is generated from the MySQL templates available under install-dir/lib/install/templates.


Copy the template file corresponding to your deployment size from install-dir/lib/install/templates as install-dir/mysql/mysql.ini and replace all occurrences of %MYSQL_INSTALL_HOME% with install-dir/mysql.

WARNING: Cannot Create Windows Service for MySQL


The installation program is not able to create the Windows Service, ASMySQL on Windows.


Create a windows service for MySQL manually by running the following command:

mysqld-nt.exe --install-manual ASMySQL –defaults-file=install-dir\mysql\mysql.ini

WARNING: Cannot Remove Windows Service for MySQL


The installation program is not able to remove the Windows Service, ASMySQL on Windows.


Delete the windows service for MySQL manually by running the following command:

mysqld-nt.exe --remove ASMySQL

WARNING: Cannot Add Execute Permission to install-dir/mysql/bin


The installation program is not able to set executable permission to MySQL binaries installed at install-dir/mysql/bin.


Provide appropriate permissions for this folder manually. Use the chmod command on Solaris or Linux.

WARNING: Cannot Create Start Menu Program Item for MySQL Startup or WARNING: Cannot Create Start Menu Program Item for MySQL Shutdown


The installation program is not able to create windows program shortcuts for start and stop operations of MySQL database on Windows platforms.


Remove these items manually after consulting your operating system manual.