Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 High Availability Administration Guide

Disabling (Quiescing) an Application

Before you undeploy a web application, the application should complete serving requests. The process of gracefully disabling an application is called quiescing. When you quiesce an application, you specify a timeout period. Based on the timeout period, the load balancer uses the following policy for quiescing applications:

ProcedureTo disable an application

  1. Use asadmin disable-http-lb-application, specifying the following:

    • Timeout (in minutes).

    • Name of the application to disable.

    • Target cluster or instance on which to disable it.

    For more information on the command, see disable-http-lb-application(1).

  2. Export the load balancer configuration file using asadmin export-http-lb-config. For more information on the command, see export-http-lb-config(1).

  3. Copy the exported configuration to the web server config directory.