The WSIT Tutorial


Guideline: Use .NET’s System.Xml.XmlConvert to generate a lexical representation of xs:duration when the binding is to a type of System.string.

javax.xml.datatype.Duration maps to xs:duration. .NET maps xs:duration to a different datatype for DataContractSerializer and XmlSerializer.

When xs:duration is bound to .NET System.string, the string value must be a lexical representation for xs:duration. .NET provides utility System.Xml.XmlConvert for this purpose.

Example: Mapping xs:duration using DataContactSerializer

//-- Java code fragment
public class PurchaseReport {
     public javax.xml.datatype.Duration period;

//-- Schema fragment
<xs:complexType name="purchaseReport">
        <xs:element name="period" type="xs:duration" minOccurs="0"/>

//-- .NET auto generated code from schema
//-- Using svcutil.exe /serializer:DataContractSerializer <wsdl file>
public partial class purchaseReport: object,
    private System.TimeSpan periodField;
    //-- ..... other generated code ........
    public System.TimeSpan period
        get { return this.periodField; }
        set { this.periodField = value; }

//-- C# code fragment
purchaseReport tmpR = new purchaseReport();
tmpR.period = new System.TimeSpan.MaxValue;

Example: Mapping xs:duration using XmlSerializer

//-- .NET auto generated code from schema
//-- Using svcutil.exe /serializer:XmlSerializer <wsdl file>
public partial class purchaseReport
    private string periodField;
    public string period
        get { return this.periodField; }
        set { this.periodField = value; }

//-- C# code fragment
purchaseReport tmpR = new purchaseReport();
tmpR.period = System.Xml.XmlConvert.ToString(new System.TimeSpan(23, 0,0));