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Sun ONE Message Queue, Version 3.0.1 Administrator's Guide

Appendix A   Setting Up Plugged-in Persistence

This appendix explains how to set up a broker to use plugged-in persistence to access a JDBC-accessible data store.


Sun™ ONE Message Queue (MQ) brokers include a Persistence Manager component that manages the writing and retrieval of persistent information (see "Persistence Manager"). The Persistence Manager is configured by default to access a built-in, file-based data store, but you can reconfigure it to plug in any data store accessible through a JDBC-compliant driver.

To configure a broker to use plugged-in persistence, you need to set a number of JDBC-related properties in the broker instance configuration file. You also need to create the appropriate database schema for performing MQ persistence operations. MQ provides a utility, Database Manager (imqdbmgr), which uses your JDBC driver and broker configuration properties to create and manage the plugged-in database.

The procedure described in this appendix is illustrated using, as an example, the Cloudscape DBMS bundled with the Java 2 SDK Enterprise Edition (J2EE SDK is available for download from The example uses Cloudscape's embedded version (instead of the client/server version). In the procedures, instructions are illustrated using path names and property names from the Cloudscape example. They are identified by the word "Example:"

Other examples can be found at the following location:

IMQ_HOME/demo/jdbc (/usr/demo/imq/jdbc on Solaris)

Plugging In a JDBC-accessible Data Store

It takes just a few steps to plug in a JDBC-accessible data store.

To plug in a JDBC-accessible data store

  1. Set JDBC-related properties in the broker's configuration file.
  2. See the properties documented in Table A-1.

  3. Place a copy or a symbolic link to your JDBC driver jar file in the following path:
  4. IMQ_VARHOME/lib/ext (/usr/share/lib/imq/ext/ on Solaris)

    Copy Example (Solaris):

    % cp j2sdk_install_directory/lib/cloudscape/cloudscape.jar IMQ_VARHOME/lib/ext

    Symbolic Link Example (Solaris):

    % ln -s j2sdk_install_directory/lib/cloudscape/cloudscape.jar IMQ_VARHOME/lib/ext

  5. Create the database schema needed for MQ persistence.
  6. Use the imqdbmgr create all command (for an embedded database) or the imqdbmgr create tbl command (for an external database). See "Database Manager Utility (imqdbmgr)".


    % cd IMQ_HOME/bin (/usr/bin on Solaris)

    % imqdbmgr create all


If an embedded database is used, it is recommended that it be created under the following directory:

(/var/imq/instances/brokerName/dbstore/ on Solaris)

If an embedded database is not protected by a user name and password, it is probably protected by file system permissions. To ensure that the database is readable and writable by the broker, the user who runs the broker should be the same user who created the embedded database using the imqdbmgr command (see "Database Manager Utility (imqdbmgr)").

JDBC-related Broker Configuration Properties

The broker's instance configuration file is located in

(/var/imq/instances/brokerName/props/ on Solaris)

If the file does not yet exist, you have to start up the broker using the -name brokerName option, for MQ to create the file.

Table A-1 presents the configuration properties that you need to set when plugging in a JDBC- accessible data store. You set these properties in the instance configuration file ( of each broker instance using plugged-in persistence. The table includes values you would specify for the Cloudscape DBMS example.

Table A-1    JDBC-related Properties 

Property Name


Specifies a file-based or JDBC-based data store.




Specifies a broker instance identifier that is appended to database table names to make them unique in the case where more than one broker instance is using the same database as a persistent data store. (Usually not needed in the case of an embedded database, which stores data for only one broker instance.) The identifier must be an alphanumeric string whose length does not exceed the maximum table name length, minus 12, allowed by the database.

Example: not needed for Cloudscape


Specifies the java class name of the JDBC driver to connect to the database.



Specifies the database URL for opening a connection to an existing database.



(jdbc:cloudscape:var/imq... on Solaris)



Specifies the database URL for opening a connection to create a database. (Only specified if the database is to be created using imqdbmgr.)



(jdbc:cloudscape:var/imq... on Solaris)



Specifies the database URL for shutting down the current database connection when the broker is shutdown.

Example (required for Cloudscape):



Specifies the user name used to open a database connection, if required. For security reasons, the value can be specified instead using command line options:
imqbrokerd -dbuser
and imqdbmgr -u



Specifies whether the database requires a password for broker access. Value of true means password is required. The password can be specified using the following command line options:
imqbrokerd -dbpassword
imqdbmgr -p

If the password is not provided using either command line options or a passfile (see "Using a Passfile"), the broker will prompt for the password.



Specifies password used to open a database connection, if required. Can only be specified in a passfile (see "Using a Passfile"). For more security, let the broker prompt you for the password, or specify the password using the following command line options:
imqbrokerd -dbpassword
imqdbmgr -p


As with all broker configuration properties, values can be set using the -D command line option. If a database requires certain database specific properties to be set, these also can be set using the -D command line option when starting the broker (imqbrokerd) or the Database Manager utility (imqdbmgr).


For the Cloudscape embedded database example, instead of specifying the absolute path of a database in database connection URL's (as those shown in Table A-1 examples), the -D command line option can be used to define the Cloudscape system directory:


In that case the URL's to create and open a database can be specified simply as:





Database Manager Utility (imqdbmgr)

MQ provides a Database Manager utility (imqdbmgr) for setting up the schema needed for persistence. The utility can also be used to delete MQ database tables should the tables become corrupted or should you wish to use a different database as a data store.


If a broker instance crashes abnormally, unreferenced persistent information might remain in the data store. Starting up and then shutting down the broker will normally clean up the data store.

This section describes the basic imqdbmgr command syntax, provides a listing of subcommands, and summarizes imqdbmgr command options.

Syntax of Command

The general syntax of the imqdbmgr command is as follows:

imqdbmgr subcommand argument [options]
imqdbmgr -h|-help
imqdbmgr -v|-version

Note that if you specify the -v or -h options, no subcommands specified on the command line are executed. For example, if you enter the following command, version information is displayed but the create subcommand is not executed.

imqdbmgr create all -v

imqdbmgr Subcommands

The Database Manager utility (imqdbmgr) includes the subcommands listed in Table A-2:

Table A-2    imqdbmgr Subcommands 

and Argument


create all

Creates a new database and MQ persistent storage schema. This command is used on an embedded database system, and when used, the property imq.persist.jdbc.createdburl needs to be specified.

create tbl

Creates the MQ persistent storage schema in an existing database system. This command is used on an external database system.

delete tbl

Deletes the existing MQ database tables in the current persistent storage database.

recreate tbl

Deletes the existing MQ database tables in the current persistent storage database and then re-creates the MQ persistent storage schema.


Summary of imqdbmgr Command Options

Table A-3 lists the options to the imqdbmgr command.

Table A-3    imqdbmgr Options




Sets the specified property to the specified value.

-b brokerName

Specifies the broker instance name and use the corresponding instance configuration file.


Displays usage help. Nothing else on the command line is executed.

-p password

Specifies the database password.

-u name

Specifies the database user name.


Displays version information. Nothing else on the command line is executed.


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Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Part Number 817-0354-10