Sun Studio 12: Debugging a Program With dbx

Rebinding of Editing Functions

The bind command allows rebinding of editing functions. You can use the command to display or modify the key bindings for EMacs-style editors and vi-style editors. The syntax of the bind command is:


Display the current editing key bindings 

bind key=definition

Bind key to definition

bind key

Display the current definition for key

bind key=

Remove binding of key

bind -m key=definition

Define key to be a macro with definition

bind -m

Same as bind


key is the name of a key.

definition is the definition of the macro to be bound to the key.

The following are some of the more important default key bindings for EMacs-style editors:

^A = beginning-of-line 

^B = backward-char 

^D = eot-or-delete 

^E = end-of-line 

^F = forward-char 

^G = abort 

^K = kill-to-eo 

^L = redraw 

^N = down-history 

^P = up-history 

^R = search-history 

^^ = quote 

^? = delete-char-backward 

^H = delete-char-backward 

^[b = backward-word 

^[d = delete-word-forward 

^[f = forward-word 

^[^H = delete-word-backward 

^[^[ = complete 

^[? = list-command 

The following are some of the more important default key bindings for vi-style editors:

a = append 

A = append at EOL 

c = change 

d = delete 

G = go to line 

h = backward character 

i = insert 

I = insert at BOL 

j = next line 

k = previous line 

l = forward line 

n = next match 

N = prev match 

p = put after 

P = put before 

r = repeat 

R = replace 

s = substitute 

u = undo 

x = delete character 

X = delete previous character 

y = yank 

~ = transpose case 

_ = last argument 

* = expand 

= = list expansion 

- = previous line 

+ = next line 

sp = forward char 

# = comment out command 

? = search history from beginning 


/ = search history from current 


In insert mode, the following keystrokes are special:

^? = delete character 

^H = delete character 

^U = kill line 

^W = delete word