Sun Studio 12: Fortran Programming Guide

5.2 Special Compiler Options

Some compiler options are useful for debugging. They check subscripts, spot undeclared variables, show stages of the compile-link sequence, display versions of software, and so on.

The Solaris linker has additional debugging aids. See ld(1), or run the command ld –Dhelp at a shell prompt to see the online documentation.

5.2.1 Subscript Bounds (–C)

If you compile with -C, the compiler adds checks at runtime for out-of-bounds references on each array subscript, and array conformance. This action helps catch some situations that cause segmentation faults.

Example: Index out of range:

demo% cat range.f
      REAL a(10,10)
      k = 11
      a(k,2) = 1.0
demo% f95 -o range range.f
demo% range

 ******  FORTRAN RUN-TIME SYSTEM  ******
Subscript out of range. Location: line 3 column 9 of ’range.f’
Subscript number 1 has value 11 in array ’A’

5.2.2 Undeclared Variable Types (–u)

The -u option checks for any undeclared variables.

The -u option causes all variables to be initially identified as undeclared, so that all variables that are not explicitly declared by type statements, or by an IMPLICIT statement, are flagged with an error. The -u flag is useful for discovering mistyped variables. If -u is set, all variables are treated as undeclared until explicitly declared. Use of an undeclared variable is accompanied by an error message.

5.2.3 Compiler Version Checking (–V)

The –V option causes the name and version ID of each phase of the compiler to be displayed. This option can be useful in tracking the origin of ambiguous error messages and in reporting compiler failures, and to verify the level of installed compiler patches.

demo% f95 -V wh.f
f95: Sun Fortran 95 7.0 DEV 2002/01/30
f90comp: Sun Fortran 95 7.0 DEV 2002/01/30
f90comp: 9 SOURCE LINES
ld: Solaris Link Editors: 5.8-1.272