Sun Studio 12: Performance Analyzer

Dynamically Compiled Functions

Dynamically compiled functions are functions that are compiled and linked while the program is executing. The Collector has no information about dynamically compiled functions that are written in C or C++, unless the user supplies the required information using the Collector API function collector_func_load(). Information displayed by the Function tab, Source tab, and Disassembly tab depends on the information passed to collector_func_load() as follows:

For more information about the Collector API functions, see Dynamic Functions and Modules.

For Java programs, most methods are interpreted by the JVM software. The Java HotSpot virtual machine, running in a separate thread, monitors performance during the interpretive execution. During the monitoring process, the virtual machine may decide to take one or more interpreted methods, generate machine code for them, and execute the more-efficient machine-code version, rather than interpret the original.

For Java programs, there is no need to use the Collector API functions; the Analyzer signifies the existence of Java HotSpot-compiled code in the annotated disassembly listing using a special line underneath the index line for the method, as shown in the following example.

                     11.    public int add_int () {
                     12.       int       x = 0;
                         <Function: Routine.add_int()>
2.832     2.832          Routine.add_int() <HotSpot-compiled leaf instructions>
0.        0.             [ 12] 00000000: iconst_0
0.        0.             [ 12] 00000001: istore_1

The disassembly listing only shows the interpreted byte code, not the compiled instructions. By default, the metrics for the compiled code are shown next to the special line. The exclusive and inclusive CPU times are different than the sum of all the inclusive and exclusive CPU times shown for each line of interpreted byte code. In general, if the method is called on several occasions, the CPU times for the compiled instructions are greater than the sum of the CPU times for the interpreted byte code, because the interpreted code is executed only once when the method is initially called, whereas the compiled code is executed thereafter.

The annotated source does not show Java HotSpot-compiled functions. Instead, it displays a special index line to indicate instructions without line numbers. For example, the annotated source corresponding to the disassembly extract shown above is as follows:

                     11.    public int add_int () {
2.832     2.832        <Function: Routine.add_int(), instructions without line numbers>
0.        0.         12.       int       x = 0;
                       <Function: Routine.add_int()>