Sun Studio 12: Thread Analyzer User's Guide

Chapter 3 The Deadlock Tutorial

This tutorial explains how to use the Thread Analyzer to detect potential, as well as actual, deadlocks in your multi-threaded program. The term 'deadlock' describes a condition in which two or more threads are blocked (hung) forever because they are waiting for each other. There are many causes of deadlocks such as erroneous program logic, inappropriate use of synchronizations and barriers. This tutorial focuses on deadlocks that are caused by the inappropriate use of mutual exclusion locks. This type of deadlock is commonly encountered in multi-threaded applications. A process with two or more threads can enter deadlock when the following three conditions hold:

Here is a simple example of a deadlock condition:

Thread 1 holds lock A and requests lock B 

Thread 2 holds lock B and requests lock A 

A deadlock can be of two types: A potential deadlock or an actual deadlock and they are distinguished as follows:

3.1 The Dining Philosophers Source File

The sample program which simulates the dining-philosophers problem is a C program that uses POSIX threads. The source file is called din_philo.c. The program can exhibit both potential and actual deadlocks. Here is the listing of the code which is followed by an explanation:

/* din_philo.c */    
     1  #include <pthread.h>
     2  #include <stdio.h>
     3  #include <unistd.h>
     4  #include <stdlib.h>
     5  #include <errno.h>
     6  #include <assert.h>
     8  #define PHILOS 5
     9  #define DELAY 5000
    10  #define FOOD 50
    12	void *philosopher (void *id);
    13	void grab_chopstick (int,
    14	                     int,
    15	                     char *);
    16	void down_chopsticks (int,
    17	                      int);
    18	int food_on_table ();
    20	pthread_mutex_t chopstick[PHILOS];
    21	pthread_t philo[PHILOS];
    22	pthread_mutex_t food_lock;
    23	int sleep_seconds = 0;
    26	int
    27	main (int argn,
    28	      char **argv)
    29	{
    30	    int i;
    32	    if (argn == 2)
    33	        sleep_seconds = atoi (argv[1]);
    35	    pthread_mutex_init (&food_lock, NULL);
    36	    for (i = 0; i < PHILOS; i++)
    37	        pthread_mutex_init (&chopstick[i], NULL);
    38	    for (i = 0; i < PHILOS; i++)
    39	        pthread_create (&philo[i], NULL, philosopher, (void *)i);
    40	    for (i = 0; i < PHILOS; i++)
    41	        pthread_join (philo[i], NULL);
    42	    return 0;
    43	}
    45	void *
    46	philosopher (void *num)
    47	{
    48	    int id;
    49	    int i, left_chopstick, right_chopstick, f;
    51	    id = (int)num;
    52	    printf ("Philosopher %d is done thinking and now ready to eat.\n", id);
    53	    right_chopstick = id;
    54	    left_chopstick = id + 1;
    56	    /* Wrap around the chopsticks. */
    57	    if (left_chopstick == PHILOS)
    58	        left_chopstick = 0;
    60	    while (f = food_on_table ()) {
    62	        /* Thanks to philosophers #1 who would like to take a nap
    63	         * before picking up the chopsticks, the other philosophers
    64	         * may be able to eat their dishes and not deadlock.  
    65	         */
    66	        if (id == 1)
    67	            sleep (sleep_seconds);
    69	        grab_chopstick (id, right_chopstick, "right ");
    70	        grab_chopstick (id, left_chopstick, "left");
    72	        printf ("Philosopher %d: eating.\n", id);
    73	        usleep (DELAY * (FOOD - f + 1));
    74	        down_chopsticks (left_chopstick, right_chopstick);
    75	    }
    77	    printf ("Philosopher %d is done eating.\n", id);
    78	    return (NULL);
    79	}
    81	int
    82	food_on_table ()
    83	{
    84	    static int food = FOOD;
    85	    int myfood;
    87	    pthread_mutex_lock (&food_lock);
    88	    if (food > 0) {
    89	        food--;
    90	    }
    91	    myfood = food;
    92	    pthread_mutex_unlock (&food_lock);
    93	    return myfood;
    94	}
    96	void
    97	grab_chopstick (int phil,
    98	                int c,
    99	                char *hand)
   100	{
   101	    pthread_mutex_lock (&chopstick[c]);
   102	    printf ("Philosopher %d: got %s chopstick %d\n", phil, hand, c);
   103	}
   105	void
   106	down_chopsticks (int c1,
   107	                 int c2)
   108	{
   109	    pthread_mutex_unlock (&chopstick[c1]);
   110	    pthread_mutex_unlock (&chopstick[c2]);
   111	}

3.2 The Dining Philosophers Scenario

The dining philosophers scenario is a classic which is structured as follows. Five philosophers, numbered zero to four, are sitting at a round table, thinking. As time passes, different individuals become hungry and decide to eat. There is a platter of noodles on the table but each philosopher only has one chopstick to use. In order to eat, they must share chopsticks. The chopstick to the left of each philosopher (as they sit facing the table) has the same number as that philosopher.

A figure which shows the philosophers and their chopsticks
in a circle.

Each philosopher first reaches for his own chopstick which is the one with his number. When he has his assigned chopstick, he reaches for the chopstick assigned to his neighbor. After he has both chopsticks, he can eat. After eating, he returns the chopsticks to their original positions on the table, one on either side. The process is repeated until there are no more noodles.

3.2.1 How the Philosophers Can Deadlock

An actual deadlock occurs when every philosopher is holding his own chopstick and waiting for the one from his neighbor to become available:

Philosopher zero is holding chopstick zero, but is waiting for chopstick one 

Philosopher one is holding chopstick one, but is waiting for chopstick two 

Philosopher two is holding chopstick two, but is waiting for chopstick three 

Philosopher three is holding chopstick three, but is waiting for chopstick four 

Philosopher four is holding chopstick four, but is waiting for chopstick zero 

In this situation, nobody can eat and the philosophers are in a deadlock. Rerun the program a number of times and you will see that the program may sometimes hang, or run to completion at other times.

Run the dining philosophers program and see whether it completes or deadlocks. It may hang as shown in the following sample run:

prompt% cc din_phil.c -mt
prompt% a.out
Philosopher 0 is done thinking and now ready to eat.
Philosopher 2 is done thinking and now ready to eat.
Philosopher 2: got right  chopstick 2
Philosopher 2: got left chopstick 3
Philosopher 0: got right  chopstick 0
Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1
Philosopher 0: eating.
Philosopher 4 is done thinking and now ready to eat.
Philosopher 4: got right  chopstick 4
Philosopher 2: eating.
Philosopher 3 is done thinking and now ready to eat.
Philosopher 1 is done thinking and now ready to eat.
Philosopher 0: got right  chopstick 0
Philosopher 3: got right  chopstick 3
Philosopher 2: got right  chopstick 2
Philosopher 1: got right  chopstick 1

Execution terminated by pressing CTRL-C

3.2.2 Introducing a Sleep Time for Philosopher One

One possible solution to the deadlock potential is for philosopher one to wait before reaching for his chopstick. In terms of the code, he can be put to sleep for a specified amount of time (sleep_seconds) before reaching for his chopstick. If he sleeps long enough, then the program may finish without any actual deadlock. You can specify the number of seconds he sleeps as an argument to the executable. If you do not specify an argument, the philosopher does not sleep.

The following pseudo-code shows the logic for each philosopher:

   while (there is still food on the table)
        if (sleep argument is specified and I am philosopher #1)
             sleep specified amount of time

        grab right fork
        grab left fork
        eat some food
        put down left fork
        put down right fork 

The following listing shows one run of the program in which philosopher one waits 30 seconds before reaching for his chopstick. The program runs to completion and all five philosophers finish eating.

% a.out 30
Philosopher 0 is done thinking and now ready to eat.
Philosopher 0: got right  chopstick 0
Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1
Philosopher 4 is done thinking and now ready to eat.
Philosopher 4: got right  chopstick 4
Philosopher 3 is done thinking and now ready to eat.
Philosopher 3: got right  chopstick 3
Philosopher 0: eating.
Philosopher 2 is done thinking and now ready to eat.
Philosopher 2: got right  chopstick 2
Philosopher 1 is done thinking and now ready to eat.
Philosopher 0: got right  chopstick 0
Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1
Philosopher 0: eating.
Philosopher 0: got right  chopstick 0
Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1
Philosopher 0: eating.
Philosopher 0: got right  chopstick 0
Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1
Philosopher 0: eating.
Philosopher 0: got right  chopstick 0
Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1
Philosopher 0: eating.
Philosopher 0: got right  chopstick 0
Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1
Philosopher 0: eating.
Philosopher 0: got right  chopstick 0
Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1
Philosopher 0: eating.
Philosopher 0: got right  chopstick 0
Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1
Philosopher 0: eating.
Philosopher 0: got right  chopstick 0
Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1
Philosopher 0: eating.
Philosopher 0: got right  chopstick 0
Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1
Philosopher 0: eating.
Philosopher 0: got right  chopstick 0
Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1
Philosopher 0: eating.
Philosopher 0: got right  chopstick 0
Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1
Philosopher 0: eating.
Philosopher 0: got right  chopstick 0
Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1
Philosopher 0: eating.
Philosopher 0: got right  chopstick 0
Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1
Philosopher 0: eating.
Philosopher 0: got right  chopstick 0
Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1
Philosopher 0: eating.
Philosopher 0: got right  chopstick 0
Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1
Philosopher 0: eating.
Philosopher 0: got right  chopstick 0
Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1
Philosopher 0: eating.
Philosopher 0: got right  chopstick 0
Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1
Philosopher 0: eating.
Philosopher 0 is done eating.
Philosopher 4: got left chopstick 0
Philosopher 4: eating.
Philosopher 4 is done eating.
Philosopher 3: got left chopstick 4
Philosopher 3: eating.
Philosopher 3 is done eating.
Philosopher 2: got left chopstick 3
Philosopher 2: eating.
Philosopher 2 is done eating.
Philosopher 1: got right  chopstick 1
Philosopher 1: got left chopstick 2
Philosopher 1: eating.
Philosopher 1 is done eating.

Execution terminated normally

Try running the program several times and specifying different sleep arguments. What happens when philosopher one waits only a short time before reaching for his chopstick? How about when he waits longer? Try specifying different sleep arguments to the executable a.out. Rerun the program with or without a sleep argument several times. Sometimes the program hangs, while it runs to completion at other times. Whether the program hangs or not depends on the scheduling of threads and the timings of requests for locks by the threads.

3.3 How to Use the Thread Analyzer to Find Deadlocks

You can use the thread Analyzer to check for potential and actual deadlocks in your program. The Thread Analyzer follows the same "collect-analyze" model that the Sun Studio Performance Analyzer uses. There are three steps involved in using the Thread Analyzer:

3.3.1 Compile the Source Code

Compile your code and be sure to specify -g. Do not specify a high-level of optimization because information such as line numbers and callstacks, may be reported incorrectly at a high optimization level. Compile an OpenMP program with -g -xopenmp=noopt, and compile a POSIX threads program with just -g -mt.

See cc.1, CC.1, or f95.1 for more information.

3.3.2 Create a Deadlock-Detection Experiment

Use the Thread Analyzer's collect command with the -r deadlock option. This option creates a deadlock-detection experiment during the execution of the program.

You can increase the likelihood of detecting deadlocks by creating several deadlock-detection experiments. Use a different number of threads and different input data for the various experiments.

See collect.1 and collector.1 for more information.

3.3.3 Examine the Experiment Results

You can examine the deadlock-detection experiment with either the tha command, the analyzer command, or the er_print utility. Both the Thread Analyzer and the Analyzer present a GUI interface while er_print employes a command-line interface.

See tha.1, analyzer.1, and er_print.1 for more information. The Thread Analyzer Interface

The Thread Analyzer includes a menu bar, a tool bar, and a split pane that contains tabs for the various displays. The following three tabs are shown by default in the left-hand pane: The er_print Interface

In contrast to the left-hand pane, the right-hand pane contains the Deadlock Details tab which shows detailed information for the selected thread in the Deadlocks tab. The most useful subcommands for examining deadlocks with er_print are the following:

See er_print.1 for more information.

3.4 Understanding the Experiment Results

This section explains how to use the Thread Analyzer to investigate the deadlocks in the dining philosopher program. We'll start by executing runs that result in actual deadlocks and then examine runs that terminate normally but have the potential for deadlocks.

3.4.1 Examining Runs That Deadlock

The following listing shows a run of the dining philosophers program that results in an actual deadlock.

prompt% cc din_philo.c -mt -g             

prompt% collect -r deadlock a.out
Creating experiment database ...
Philosopher 1 is done thinking and now ready to eat.
Philosopher 2 is done thinking and now ready to eat.
Philosopher 3 is done thinking and now ready to eat.
Philosopher 0 is done thinking and now ready to eat.
Philosopher 1: got right  chopstick 1
Philosopher 3: got right  chopstick 3
Philosopher 0: got right  chopstick 0
Philosopher 1: got left chopstick 2
Philosopher 3: got left chopstick 4
Philosopher 4 is done thinking and now ready to eat.
Philosopher 1: eating.
Philosopher 3: eating.
Philosopher 3: got right  chopstick 3
Philosopher 4: got right  chopstick 4
Philosopher 2: got right  chopstick 2
Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1
Philosopher 0: eating.
Philosopher 1: got right  chopstick 1
Philosopher 4: got left chopstick 0
Philosopher 4: eating.
Philosopher 0: got right  chopstick 0
Philosopher 3: got left chopstick 4
Philosopher 3: eating.
Philosopher 4: got right  chopstick 4
Philosopher 2: got left chopstick 3
Philosopher 2: eating.
Philosopher 3: got right  chopstick 3
Philosopher 1: got left chopstick 2
Philosopher 1: eating.
Philosopher 2: got right  chopstick 2
Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1
Philosopher 0: eating.
Philosopher 1: got right  chopstick 1
Philosopher 4: got left chopstick 0
Philosopher 4: eating.
Philosopher 0: got right  chopstick 0
Philosopher 3: got left chopstick 4
Philosopher 3: eating.
Philosopher 4: got right  chopstick 4
Philosopher 2: got left chopstick 3
Philosopher 2: eating.
Philosopher 3: got right  chopstick 3
Philosopher 1: got left chopstick 2
Philosopher 1: eating.
Philosopher 2: got right  chopstick 2
Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1
Philosopher 0: eating.
Philosopher 1: got right  chopstick 1
Philosopher 4: got left chopstick 0
Philosopher 4: eating.
Philosopher 0: got right  chopstick 0
Philosopher 3: got left chopstick 4
Philosopher 3: eating.
Philosopher 4: got right  chopstick 4
Philosopher 2: got left chopstick 3
Philosopher 2: eating.
Philosopher 2: got right  chopstick 2
Philosopher 3: got right  chopstick 3

Execution terminated by pressing CTRL-C

% er_print 
(er_print) deadlocks

Deadlock #1, Potential deadlock
	Thread #2
		Lock being held:	0x215a8, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000002C, line 101 in "din_philo.c"
		Lock being requested:	0x215c0, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000002C, line 101 in "din_philo.c"
	Thread #3
		Lock being held:	0x215c0, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000002C, line 101 in "din_philo.c"
		Lock being requested:	0x215d8, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000002C, line 101 in "din_philo.c"
	Thread #4
		Lock being held:	0x215d8, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000002C, line 101 in "din_philo.c"
		Lock being requested:	0x215f0, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000002C, line 101 in "din_philo.c"
	Thread #5
		Lock being held:	0x215f0, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000002C, line 101 in "din_philo.c"
		Lock being requested:	0x21608, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000002C, line 101 in "din_philo.c"
	Thread #6
		Lock being held:	0x21608, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000002C, line 101 in "din_philo.c"
		Lock being requested:	0x215a8, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000002C, line 101 in "din_philo.c"

Deadlock #2, Actual deadlock
	Thread #2
		Lock being held:	0x215a8, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000002C, line 101 in "din_philo.c"
		Lock being requested:	0x215c0, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000002C, line 101 in "din_philo.c"
	Thread #3
		Lock being held:	0x215c0, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000002C, line 101 in "din_philo.c"
		Lock being requested:	0x215d8, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000002C, line 101 in "din_philo.c"
	Thread #4
		Lock being held:	0x215d8, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000002C, line 101 in "din_philo.c"
		Lock being requested:	0x215f0, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000002C, line 101 in "din_philo.c"
	Thread #5
		Lock being held:	0x215f0, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000002C, line 101 in "din_philo.c"
		Lock being requested:	0x21608, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000002C, line 101 in "din_philo.c"
	Thread #6
		Lock being held:	0x21608, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000002C, line 101 in "din_philo.c"
		Lock being requested:	0x215a8, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000002C, line 101 in "din_philo.c"

Deadlocks List Summary: Experiment: Total Deadlocks: 2

The following screen-shot shows the Thread Analyzer's presentation of the deadlock information:

A screen shot of the Thread Analyzer's window which shows
an actual deadlock.

The Thread Analyzer reports two deadlocks for din_philo.c, one potential and the other actual. On closer inspection, we find that the two deadlocks are identical. The circular chain involved in the deadlock is as follows:

Thread 2: holds lock at address 0x215a8, requests lock at address 0x215c0

Thread 3: holds lock at address 0x215c0, requests lock at address 0x215d8

Thread 4: holds lock at address 0x215d8, requests lock at address 0x215f0

Thread 5: holds lock at address 0x215f0, requests lock at address 0x21608

Thread 6: holds lock at address 0x21608, requests lock at address 0x215a8

Select the first thread in the chain (Thread #2) and then click on the Dual Source tab to see where in the source code Thread #2 held the lock at address 0x215a8, and where in the source code it requested the lock at address 0x215c0. The following screen-shot shows the Dual Source tab for thread number two. The default metric (Exclusive Deadlocks metric) is shown to the left of each source line. This metric gives a count of the number of times a lock-hold or lock-request operation, which was involved in a deadlock, was reported on that line.

A screen shot of the Thread Analyzer's Dual-Source tab
which shows a potential deadlock.

3.4.2 Examining Runs That Complete Despite Deadlock Potential

The dining philosophers program can avoid actual deadlock and terminate normally if you supply a large enough sleep argument. Normal termination, however, does not mean the program is safe from deadlocks. It simply means that the locks held and requested did not form a deadlock chain during a given run. If the timing changes in other runs, an actual deadlock can occur. The following listing shows a run of the dining philosophers program that terminates normally. However, the er_print utility and the Thread Analyzer report potential deadlocks.

% cc din_philo.c -mt -g                

% collect -r deadlock a.out 40
Creating experiment database ...
Philosopher 0 is done thinking and now ready to eat.
Philosopher 2 is done thinking and now ready to eat.
Philosopher 1 is done thinking and now ready to eat.
Philosopher 3 is done thinking and now ready to eat.
Philosopher 2: got right  chopstick 2
Philosopher 3: got right  chopstick 3
Philosopher 0: got right  chopstick 0
Philosopher 4 is done thinking and now ready to eat.
Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1
Philosopher 0: eating.
Philosopher 3: got left chopstick 4
Philosopher 3: eating.
Philosopher 0: got right  chopstick 0
Philosopher 4: got right  chopstick 4
Philosopher 2: got left chopstick 3
Philosopher 2: eating.
Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1
Philosopher 0: eating.
Philosopher 3: got right  chopstick 3
Philosopher 2: got right  chopstick 2
Philosopher 4: got left chopstick 0
Philosopher 4: eating.
Philosopher 0: got right  chopstick 0
Philosopher 3: got left chopstick 4
Philosopher 3: eating.
Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1
Philosopher 0: eating.
Philosopher 4: got right  chopstick 4
Philosopher 2: got left chopstick 3
Philosopher 2: eating.
Philosopher 4: got left chopstick 0
Philosopher 4: eating.
Philosopher 3: got right  chopstick 3
Philosopher 2: got right  chopstick 2
Philosopher 0: got right  chopstick 0
Philosopher 3: got left chopstick 4
Philosopher 3: eating.
Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1
Philosopher 0: eating.
Philosopher 0: got right  chopstick 0
Philosopher 2: got left chopstick 3
Philosopher 2: eating.
Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1
Philosopher 0: eating.
Philosopher 4: got right  chopstick 4
Philosopher 3: got right  chopstick 3
Philosopher 4: got left chopstick 0
Philosopher 4: eating.
Philosopher 0: got right  chopstick 0
Philosopher 3: got left chopstick 4
Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1
Philosopher 0: eating.
Philosopher 3: eating.
Philosopher 0: got right  chopstick 0
Philosopher 2: got left chopstick 3
Philosopher 2: eating.
Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1
Philosopher 0: eating.
Philosopher 4: got right  chopstick 4
Philosopher 3: got right  chopstick 3
Philosopher 2: got right  chopstick 2
Philosopher 4: got left chopstick 0
Philosopher 4: eating.
Philosopher 4 is done eating.
Philosopher 3: got left chopstick 4
Philosopher 3: eating.
Philosopher 0: got right  chopstick 0
Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1
Philosopher 0: eating.
Philosopher 3 is done eating.
Philosopher 2: got left chopstick 3
Philosopher 2: eating.
Philosopher 0 is done eating.
Philosopher 2 is done eating.
Philosopher 1: got right  chopstick 1
Philosopher 1: got left chopstick 2
Philosopher 1: eating.
Philosopher 1 is done eating.

Execution terminated normally

% er_print 
(er_print) deadlocks

Deadlock #1, Potential deadlock
	Thread #2
		Lock being held:	0x215a8, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000002C, line 101 in "din_philo.c"
		Lock being requested:	0x215c0, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000002C, line 101 in "din_philo.c"
	Thread #3
		Lock being held:	0x215c0, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000002C, line 101 in "din_philo.c"
		Lock being requested:	0x215d8, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000002C, line 101 in "din_philo.c"
	Thread #4
		Lock being held:	0x215d8, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000002C, line 101 in "din_philo.c"
		Lock being requested:	0x215f0, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000002C, line 101 in "din_philo.c"
	Thread #5
		Lock being held:	0x215f0, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000002C, line 101 in "din_philo.c"
		Lock being requested:	0x21608, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000002C, line 101 in "din_philo.c"
	Thread #6
		Lock being held:	0x21608, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000002C, line 101 in "din_philo.c"
		Lock being requested:	0x215a8, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000002C, line 101 in "din_philo.c"

Deadlocks List Summary: Experiment: Total Deadlocks: 1

The following screen-shot shows the potential deadlock information in the Thread Analyzer interface:

A screen-shot of the Thread Analyzer window which shows
a potential deadlocks.

3.5 Fixing the Deadlocks and Understanding False-Positives

In addition to the strategy of philosophers waiting before they start to eat, we can use a system of tokens in which a philosopher must receive a token before attempting to eat. The number of available tokens must be less than the number of philosophers at the table. After a philosopher receives a token, he can attempt to eat in accordance with the rules of the table. After eating, each philosopher returns the token and repeats the process. The following pseudo-code shows the logic for each philosopher when using the token system:

   while (there is still food on the table)
        get token
        grab right fork
        grab left fork
        eat some food
        put down left fork
        put down right fork
        return token 

The following sections detail two different implementations for the system of tokens.

3.5.1 Regulating the Philosophers With Tokens

The following listing shows the fixed version of the dining philosophers program that uses the token system. This solution incorporates four tokens, one less than the number of diners, so no more than four philosophers can attempt to eat at the same time. This version of the program is called din_philo_fix1.c:

    1	#include <pthread.h>
     2	#include <stdio.h>
     3	#include <unistd.h>
     4	#include <stdlib.h>
     5	#include <errno.h>
     6	#include <assert.h>
     8	#define PHILOS 5
     9	#define DELAY 5000
    10	#define FOOD 50
    12	void *philosopher (void *id);
    13	void grab_chopstick (int,
    14	                     int,
    15	                     char *);
    16	void down_chopsticks (int,
    17	                      int);
    18	int food_on_table ();
    19	int get_token ();
    20	void return_token ();
    22	pthread_mutex_t chopstick[PHILOS];
    23	pthread_t philo[PHILOS];
    24	pthread_mutex_t food_lock;
    25	pthread_mutex_t num_can_eat_lock;
    26	int sleep_seconds = 0;
    27	uint32_t num_can_eat = PHILOS - 1;
    30	int
    31	main (int argn,
    32	      char **argv)
    33	{
    34	    int i;
    36	    pthread_mutex_init (&food_lock, NULL);
    37	    pthread_mutex_init (&num_can_eat_lock, NULL);
    38	    for (i = 0; i < PHILOS; i++)
    39	        pthread_mutex_init (&chopstick[i], NULL);
    40	    for (i = 0; i < PHILOS; i++)
    41	        pthread_create (&philo[i], NULL, philosopher, (void *)i);
    42	    for (i = 0; i < PHILOS; i++)
    43	        pthread_join (philo[i], NULL);
    44	    return 0;
    45	}
    47	void *
    48	philosopher (void *num)
    49	{
    50	    int id;
    51	    int i, left_chopstick, right_chopstick, f;
    53	    id = (int)num;
    54	    printf ("Philosopher %d is done thinking and now ready to eat.\n", id);
    55	    right_chopstick = id;
    56	    left_chopstick = id + 1;
    58	    /* Wrap around the chopsticks. */
    59	    if (left_chopstick == PHILOS)
    60	        left_chopstick = 0;
    62	    while (f = food_on_table ()) {
    63	        get_token ();
    65	        grab_chopstick (id, right_chopstick, "right ");
    66	        grab_chopstick (id, left_chopstick, "left");
    68	        printf ("Philosopher %d: eating.\n", id);
    69	        usleep (DELAY * (FOOD - f + 1));
    70	        down_chopsticks (left_chopstick, right_chopstick);
    72	        return_token ();
    73	    }
    75	    printf ("Philosopher %d is done eating.\n", id);
    76	    return (NULL);
    77	}
    79	int
    80	food_on_table ()
    81	{
    82	    static int food = FOOD;
    83	    int myfood;
    85	    pthread_mutex_lock (&food_lock);
    86	    if (food > 0) {
    87	        food--;
    88	    }
    89	    myfood = food;
    90	    pthread_mutex_unlock (&food_lock);
    91	    return myfood;
    92	}
    94	void
    95	grab_chopstick (int phil,
    96	                int c,
    97	                char *hand)
    98	{
    99	    pthread_mutex_lock (&chopstick[c]);
   100	    printf ("Philosopher %d: got %s chopstick %d\n", phil, hand, c);
   101	}
   103	void
   104	down_chopsticks (int c1,
   105	                 int c2)
   106	{
   107	    pthread_mutex_unlock (&chopstick[c1]);
   108	    pthread_mutex_unlock (&chopstick[c2]);
   109	}
   112	int
   113	get_token ()
   114	{
   115	    int successful = 0;
   117	    while (!successful) {
   118	        pthread_mutex_lock (&num_can_eat_lock);
   119	        if (num_can_eat > 0) {
   120	            num_can_eat--;
   121	            successful = 1;
   122	        }
   123	        else {
   124	            successful = 0;
   125	        }
   126	        pthread_mutex_unlock (&num_can_eat_lock);
   127	    }
   128	}
   130	void
   131	return_token ()
   132	{
   133	    pthread_mutex_lock (&num_can_eat_lock);
   134	    num_can_eat++;
   135	    pthread_mutex_unlock (&num_can_eat_lock);
   136	}

Try compiling and running this fixed version of the dining philosophers program and running it several times. The system of tokens limits the number of diners attempting to use the chopsticks and thus avoids actual and potential deadlocks. A False-Positive Report

In spite of using the system of tokens, the Thread Analyzer reports a potential deadlock for this implementation even though none exists. This is a false positive. Consider the following screen-shot which details the potential deadlock:

A screen-shot of the Thread Analyzer window which shows
a deadlock in thread number two.

Select the first thread in the chain (Thread #2) and then click on the Dual Source tab to see the source code location in which Thread #2 held the lock at address 0x215a8, and where in the source code it requested the lock at address 0x215c0. The following screen-shot shows the Dual Source tab for Thread #2.

A screen shot of the Thread Analyzer's Dual-Source tab
which shows a potential deadlock.

The get_token() function in din_philo_fix1.c uses a while loop to synchronize the threads. A thread will not leave the while loop until it successfully gets a token (this occurs when num_can_eat is greater than zero). The while loop limits the number of simultaneous diners to four. However, the synchronization implemented by the while loop is not recognized by the Thread Analyzer. It assumes that all five philosophers attempt to grab the chopsticks and eat concurrently, so it reports a potential deadlock. The following section details how to limit the number of simultaneous diners by using synchronizations which the Thread Analyzer recognizes.

3.5.2 An Alternative System of Tokens

The following listing shows an alternative implementation of the system of tokens. This implementation still uses four tokens, so no more than four diners attempt to eat at the same time. However, this implementation uses the sem_wait() and sem_post() semaphore routines to limit the number of eating philosophers. This version of the source file is called din_philo_fix2.c.

Note –

You must compiler din_philo_fix2.c with -lrt to link with the appropriate semaphore routines.

The following listing details din_philo_fix2.c:

    1	#include <pthread.h>
     2	#include <stdio.h>
     3	#include <unistd.h>
     4	#include <stdlib.h>
     5	#include <errno.h>
     6	#include <assert.h>
     7	#include <semaphore.h>
     9	#define PHILOS 5
    10	#define DELAY 5000
    11	#define FOOD 50
    13	void *philosopher (void *id);
    14	void grab_chopstick (int,
    15	                     int,
    16	                     char *);
    17	void down_chopsticks (int,
    18	                      int);
    19	int food_on_table ();
    20	int get_token ();
    21	void return_token ();
    23	pthread_mutex_t chopstick[PHILOS];
    24	pthread_t philo[PHILOS];
    25	pthread_mutex_t food_lock;
    26	int sleep_seconds = 0;
    27	sem_t num_can_eat_sem;
    30	int
    31	main (int argn,
    32	      char **argv)
    33	{
    34	    int i;
    36	    pthread_mutex_init (&food_lock, NULL);
    37	    sem_init(&num_can_eat_sem, 0, PHILOS - 1);
    38	    for (i = 0; i < PHILOS; i++)
    39	        pthread_mutex_init (&chopstick[i], NULL);
    40	    for (i = 0; i < PHILOS; i++)
    41	        pthread_create (&philo[i], NULL, philosopher, (void *)i);
    42	    for (i = 0; i < PHILOS; i++)
    43	        pthread_join (philo[i], NULL);    
    44	    return 0;
    45	}
    47	void *
    48	philosopher (void *num)
    49	{
    50	    int id;
    51	    int i, left_chopstick, right_chopstick, f;
    53	    id = (int)num;
    54	    printf ("Philosopher %d is done thinking and now ready to eat.\n", id);
    55	    right_chopstick = id;
    56	    left_chopstick = id + 1;
    58	    /* Wrap around the chopsticks. */
    59	    if (left_chopstick == PHILOS)
    60	        left_chopstick = 0;
    62	    while (f = food_on_table ()) {
    63	        get_token ();
    65	        grab_chopstick (id, right_chopstick, "right ");
    66	        grab_chopstick (id, left_chopstick, "left");
    68	        printf ("Philosopher %d: eating.\n", id);
    69	        usleep (DELAY * (FOOD - f + 1));
    70	        down_chopsticks (left_chopstick, right_chopstick);
    72	        return_token ();
    73	    }
    75	    printf ("Philosopher %d is done eating.\n", id);
    76	    return (NULL);
    77	}
    79	int
    80	food_on_table ()
    81	{
    82	    static int food = FOOD;
    83	    int myfood;
    85	    pthread_mutex_lock (&food_lock);
    86	    if (food > 0) {
    87	        food--;
    88	    }
    89	    myfood = food;
    90	    pthread_mutex_unlock (&food_lock);
    91	    return myfood;
    92	}
    94	void
    95	grab_chopstick (int phil,
    96	                int c,
    97	                char *hand)
    98	{
    99	    pthread_mutex_lock (&chopstick[c]);
   100	    printf ("Philosopher %d: got %s chopstick %d\n", phil, hand, c);
   101	}
   103	void
   104	down_chopsticks (int c1,
   105	                 int c2)
   106	{
   107	    pthread_mutex_unlock (&chopstick[c1]);
   108	    pthread_mutex_unlock (&chopstick[c2]);
   109	}
   112	int
   113	get_token ()
   114	{
   115	    sem_wait(&num_can_eat_sem);
   116	}
   118	void
   119	return_token ()
   120	{
   121	    sem_post(&num_can_eat_sem);
   122	}

This new implementation uses the semaphore num_can_eat_sem to limit the number of philosophers who can eat at the same time. The semaphore num_can_eat_sem is initialized to four, one less than the number of philosophers. Before attempting to eat, a philosopher calls get_token() which in turn calls sem_wait(&num_can_eat_sem). The call to sem_wait() causes the calling philosopher to wait until the semaphore's value is positive, then changes the semaphore's value by subtracting one from the value. When a philosopher is done eating, he calls return_token() which in turn calls sem_post(&num_can_eat_sem). The call to sem_post() changes the semaphore's value by adding one. The Thread Analyzer recognizes the calls to sem_wait() and sem_post(), and determines that not all philosophers attempt to eat concurrently.

If you run this new implementation of the program several times, you will find that it terminates normally each time and does not hang. You will also find that the Thread Analyzer does not report any actual or potential deadlocks, as the following screen-shot shows:

A screen shot of the Thread Analyzer window which shows
no deadlocks.

See Appendix A, Thread Analyzer User API for a listing of the threading and memory allocation APIs that the Thread Analyzer recognizes.