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All Warning and Error Options

Option Language Meaning
-C F95 Checks array references for out of range subscripts and conformance.
-errfmt C Adds the string "error:" to the beginning of error messages so they are more easily distinguishable from warning messages.
-errhdr C Limits warnings from header files to a group of header files as indicated by the option's flags.
-erroff C C++ F95 Suppresses compiler warning messages but has no effect on error messages.
-errshort C Controls how much detail is in the error message produced by the compiler when it discovers a type mismatch.
-errtags C C++ F95 Displays the message tag for each warning message of the compiler front-end that can be suppressed with the -erroffoption or made a fatal error with the -errwarn option.
-errwarn C C++ F95 Causes the compiler to exit with a failure status for the given warning messages.
-v C Performs more and stricter semantic checks, and enables certain lint-like checks on the named C files.
+w C++ Identifies code that might have unintended consequences.
+w2 C++ Emits the same warnings as +w as well as warnings about technical violations that are probably harmless, but that might reduce the maximum portability of your program.
-w C C++ F95 Suppresses warning messages.
-Xlist F95 Finds potential programming bugs. Invokes an extra compiler pass to check for consistency in calls and common across the global program.
-xe C C++ Checks only for syntax and semantic errors.
-xtransition C Issues warnings for differences between K&R C and ISO C.
-xvpara C Show parallelization warning messages.

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