Sun Studio 12 Update 1: Debugging a Program With dbx

infile filename

This event puts a breakpoint on every function defined in a file. The stop infile command iterates through the same list of functions as the funcs -f filename command.

Method definitions in .h files, template files, or plain C code in .h files, such as the kind used by the regexp command, might contribute function definitions to a file, but these definitions are excluded.

If the specified filename is the name of an object file (that is, it ends in .o). breakpoints are put on every function that occurs in that object file.

The stop infile list.h command does not put breakpoints on all instances of methods defined in the list.h file. Use events like inclass or inmethod to do so.

The fix command might eliminate or add a function to a file. The stop infile command puts breakpoints on all old versions of function in a file as well as any functions that might be added in the future.

No breakpoints are put on nested functions or subroutines in Fortran files.

You can use the clear command to disable a single breakpoint in the set created by the infile event.