Sun Studio 12 Update 1: Performance Analyzer

Advanced Tab

In the Advanced tab, you can specify a filter expression that evaluates as true for any data record you want to include in the display. For information on the grammar to use in a filter expression, see Expression Grammar.

To display the Advanced tab, click the rightmost button on the tool bar, or if the Filter Dialog box is open, click the tab

The Advanced tab consists of a header and a filter-specification text box. The header has a text read-only field for entering a filter clause, and buttons to append with AND, append with OR, or set the filter to that clause. The contents of the field are loaded to reflect any single selection or multiple selection from the Function tab, DataObject tab, DataLayout tab, or any MemoryObject tabs. When you click one of the buttons, the selection is translated into a clause, which is then added to, or replaces, the filter specification.

When you have composed the filter, either by text-entry into the filter specification field, or by adding clauses, click OK or Apply to set the filter.

If the filter is incorrectly specified, an error will be posted, and the old filter setting will remain.