Sun Identity Manager 8.1 Release Notes

Other Forms-Related Issues

The "Forms" chapter is missing the following discussion: (ID-18869)

By default there are two implementations of the change password form:

The End User Password Change form is the default password change form. It presents a simple set of fields with which the user can change their password. The password policies for all resources that are assigned to the user are aggregated and summarized, and Identity Manager applies the password change to all assigned resources.

The Basic Change Password Form is present in both the Administrator and User Interfaces. It provides information about the resources that are assigned to the user and allows the user to individually select on which resources Identity Manager will change the password.

Both password management forms support the use of the 'RequiresChallenge' form property. When this property is set to true, the user is prompted to enter the old password after specifying the new password.