Sun Identity Manager Deployment Guide

Mapping the Changes to the Identity Manager Object

Using the Active Sync event parameter configurator for the resource, IAPIFactory.getIAPI constructs an IAPI object, either IAPIUser or IAPIProcess from a map of changed attributes. If an exclusion rule (iapi_create, iapi_delete, or iapi_update) is configured for the resource, IAPIFactory checks if the account is excluded. If a non-null object is created and returned by the Factory, the adapter can modify the IAPI object (for example, by adding a logger), then submits it.

When the object is submitted, the form associated with the resource is expanded with the object view before the view is checked in. For more information about forms and views, see Deployment Reference.

In SkeletonActiveSyncResourceAdapter, this process is handled in the buildEvent and processUpdates methods.