Sun Identity Manager 8.1 Business Administrator's Guide

Identity Manager’s JMX Publisher Implementation

Identity Manager’s JMX audit log publisher monitors the audit log for events. When an event is detected, the JMX publisher wraps the audit event record with an MBean, and also updates a temporary history (which is kept in memory). For each event, a separate small notification is sent to the JMX client. If the event is of interest, the JMX client can query the MBean wrapping the audit event for additional information.

Note –

See the com.waveset.object.AuditEvent Javadoc for information about audit event records. The Javadoc is available in the REF kit, which is discussed in Developing Custom Audit Publishers.

To retrieve information from the correct MBean, a history sequence number is required. This number is included in the event notification.

Each event notification includes the following information: