Sun Identity Manager 8.1 System Administrator's Guide

Troubleshooting Upgrades

If you encounter problems during the upgrade, check the upgrade log files located in the $WSHOME/patches/logs directory. The file names for the logs are based on a timestamp and the stage of the upgrade.

If, following an upgrade, Identity Manager fails to start with the following exception, your JDK/JRE may be the problem:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Error attempting to decrypt: 
Given final block not properly padded

Verify that you are using a JDK/JRE supplied by the same vendor that you were using previously. For example, you cannot upgrade to a Sun JDK if previously you were using a JDK from IBM. To fix this problem, uninstall the JDK/JRE and install the JDK or JRE from your previous vendor.