Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 System Administrator's Guide

General Suggestions for Tuning Reconciliation

In general, you can improve Reconciler performance if you do the following:

Reconciliation of a resource goes through two phases. In the first phase, Waveset gets a list of all users in its internal repository that are known to have accounts on the resource. This first phase does not involve the physical resource at all, and typically happens very quickly.

The second phase requests a list of all accounts from the resource, and then processes those accounts; potentially linking them to users or even creating new users. Performance of the second phase, indicated as reconciling accounts in the resource status message, is proportional to the speed of the resource and the number of worker threads. You can compensate for a slow resource by adding more worker threads; assuming the resource can handle more concurrent AccountGet operations.

Note –

There is a JMX MBean for each resource that shows the average, minimum, and maximum response times for each resource operation. Reconciliation phase two involves lots of Account_Get operations, so the average time for each Account_Get strongly influences the overall reconciliation performance. To compensate for resources with longer Account_Get times, use more worker threads. However, because the same number of worker threads are used for all resources, setting a maximum worker thread too high might overwhelm the Waveset object repository on faster resources.