Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 System Administrator's Guide

Mainframe Host Adapter Problems

When RACF, ACF2, or TopSecret host adapters fail to reuse or cache connections, users are forced to log in frequently, which negatively impacts performance. Generally, the cache timeout setting causes this problem.

    To check the cache timeout setting, trace Waveset’s adapter connection pool as follows:

  1. From Waveset’s Edit Configuration Object page, trace the com.waveset.adapter.HostConnPool#reapConnections method at level 4.

    If necessary, review instructions for enabling trace in Tracing the Waveset Server.

  2. Capture trace for a sufficiently long period of time (at least 30-60 minutes), while the adapter performs operations.

  3. Review the trace output in the application server stdout or trace file and look for Info reaping connection entries.

    If this entry occurs more than once every 30 minutes, you have a good indication that connections are being timed out unnecessarily.

    To resolve this problem, increase the Idle Timeout resource attribute value to prevent connections from being reaped too frequently. The Idle Timeout attribute controls how long a connection remains idle before the connection is logged out. The default value is 90 seconds, which causes new logins to occur frequently.

    Ideally, specify a value that is greater than the average idle time for your deployment environment. For example, adjust the Idle Timeout attribute to 30 minutes (1800000 milliseconds) or more.