Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 System Administrator's Guide

ProcedureTo Configure Reconciler Settings

Use the following steps to configure the Reconciler:

  1. In the Administrator interface, click Configure -> Servers.

  2. When the Configure Servers page displays, click a server name in the list.

  3. Select the Reconciler tab.

    Reconciler settings display on the Edit Server Settings page by default.

  4. Accept the default values or deselect the Use the default option to specify custom values.

    Note –

    To change the default reconciler settings used by Waveset servers, see Editing Default Server Settings.

  5. Configure the following settings.

    • Parallel Resource Limit. Specify the maximum number of resource threads that the reconciler can process in parallel. Resource threads allocate work items to worker threads, so if you add additional resource threads, you may also need to increase the maximum number of worker threads. For new installations, the default value is 3.

    • Minimum Worker Threads. Specify the number of processing threads that the reconciler will always keep alive. For new installations, the default value is 2.

    • Maximum Worker Threads. Specify the maximum number of processing threads that the reconciler can use. The reconciler will only start as many threads as the workload requires. This places a limit on that number. Worker threads automatically close if they are idle for a short duration. For new installations, the default value is 6.