Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 System Administrator's Guide


The section provides an overview of the Waveset’s Profiler’s features and functionality. The information is organized as follows:

Note –

The Profiler provides helpful information, but has a performance cost on its own. If you do not need the Profiler data, you can disable this utility using the instructions provided in .

Major Features

You can use the Profiler utility to

How the Profiler Locates and Manages Source

This section describes how the Profiler looks up and manages the source for the following Waveset objects:

Tip –

In Call Tree view or Hotspots view, you can double-click any node that corresponds to a Java method, workflow, form, rule, or XPRESS to view the source for that node.

Statistics Caveats

The following sections contain information to consider when you evaluate results provided by the Profiler: