Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Resources Reference

Usage Notes

This section provides information related to using the LDAP resource adapter, which is organized into the following sections:

For information about enabling password synchronization on an LDAP resource, see Chapter 52, Synchronizing LDAP Passwords.

General Notes

Password Change Management with the LDAP Adapter

The Current Resource Account Password Required On Change and Resource Account Password Self-Change LDAP Modify Request Uses Replace Operation resource parameters allow you to determine how Waveset manages password changes with the LDAP adapter.

When the Current Resource Account Password Required On Change check box is selected, a user must supply the current LDAP password to change the password. The resource adapter verifies that the supplied password matches the resource account password as part of the update.

A resource adapter signals other Waveset components that the resource requires the user's current password for a password self-change by including the User Password On Change feature in the list of supported features. (By default, the resource adapter does not report the feature as supported.) This permits existing deployments to maintain their current behavior of not requiring the user's current resource account password.

To enable support for this feature, you must also complete the following tasks:

ProcedureChanging the Form Mapping

  1. Log in to the Waveset Administrator Interface.

  2. Select Configure -> Form and Process Mappings. Look for “endUserChangePassword” and change the text field from “End User Change Password Form” to “Basic Change Password Form.”

  3. Click Save. Waveset stores the form and process mappings in the System Configuration object, which is accessible through the debug pages.

Access Control at the LDAP Resource

When the User Password On Change feature is disabled, Waveset performs password changes as the configured LDAP account administrator, which would have been given modification rights to the LDAP entry password attribute. When this feature is enabled, Waveset performs the resource password change as the user (that is, the authorization ID is the target entry DN), so the LDAP resource's access control configuration might need to be updated to allow password self-modification.

Reset LDAP Passwords

A side effect of enabling this feature is support for the LDAP resource must-change-on-reset password policy. With the User Password On Change feature disabled, any change to the LDAP account password is performed using the Waveset LDAP administrator account, so a password update always leaves the target LDAP account in the reset state. With the User Password On Change feature enabled, a self-service resource account password change (that is, the change was initiated by the account owner and not a Wavesetadministrator) is performed at the LDAP resource as the user, clearing the reset state.

Expired LDAP Passwords

If the LDAP resource password aging policy is enabled, and an account's password has aged beyond the expiration limit, the account is considered unusable by LDAP resource password policy, and Waveset rejects a BIND operation with invalid credentials result. In some cases, the LDAP resource adapter can determine if the supplied password is otherwise valid (for example, a BIND operation response additional information contains password expired). If this case is detected, the LDAP resource adapter may attempt to administratively reset the expired password using a generated password, then the self-change operation can proceed using this password as the current password.

The User Password On Change behavior for an expired password depends on whether or not a password policy is set in the Waveset LDAP resource configuration. If one is not set, the self-service change password fails with an explanation that an expired password cannot be self-changed. If a password policy is set, Waveset uses it to generate a temporary password, which is then used for an administrative reset, and subsequent user authentication and password modification. Allowing the automatic password reset in the case of the resource password policy is reasonable because the new password that is supplied by the user would have already passed that policy check, and hence should be accepted by the LDAP server (while if that update fails, the generated temporary password would have replaced the user current password, which would be lost).

Replace Operations

Some LDAP implementations change a password by using a replace operation with the new value. Other implementations change a password by performing a delete operation with the current value, followed by an add operation with new value. Directory Server 5 uses the replace operation. Directory Server 6 and ADAM use the add and replace operations. Consult your directory server documentation to determine how it handles password changes. If your LDAP implementation uses the replace operation, select the Resource Account Password Self-Change LDAP Modify Request Uses Replace Operation check box.

Virtual List View Support for Directory Server

Note –

This discussion assumes that Waveset connects to the LDAP resource as a non-RootDN user. If you are connecting as a RootDN user, the procedures described are applicable, but additional LDAP attribute values might be possible. Consult the Directory Server documentation for more information.

See Modifying the ADAM Schema for information about enabling this feature with Microsoft ADAM.

In Directory Server, the nsLookThroughLimit and nsslapd-sizelimit attributes define how many LDAP entries can be searched and returned, respectively. The default value for nsLookThroughLimit is 5,000, while the default for nsslapd-sizelimit is 2,000. Both attributes can be set to -1 to disable limits. You must restart Directory Server if you change the value of these attributes.

It is not always desirable to change the default values. To improve performance on LDAP searches, you can enable the LDAP Virtual List View (VLV) control. VLV returns partial results of a search, rather than returning all results at once.

The Use Blocks resource attribute enables Waveset to stay within the query result size limit by using the VLV control. The Block Count resource attribute specifies how many users to return, but this value must be less than or equal to the value set in the nsslapd-sizelimit attribute.

A VLV index (also known as a browsing index) must be created, or the nsslapd-sizelimit size limit will still be in effect. Using a VLV index significantly improves the performance of iterating over accounts, so you should set up the index if you plan to reconcile, load from resource, or export to file frequently.

Refer to the Directory Server documentation for detailed instructions on creating a VLV index. The basic process follows:

ProcedureCreating a VLV Index

  1. Create a vlvsearch object with the following properties:

    vlvbase: YourBaseContext
    vlvfilter: (&(objectclass=top)(objectclass=person)
    (objectclass=organizationalPerson) (objectclass=inetorgperson))
    vlvscope: 2

    The vlvbase attribute must match the value specified in the Base Context resource attribute. The vlvfilter attribute must contain the classes specified in the Object Classes resource attribute in the format shown. The vlvscope value of 2 indicates subtree searches.

  2. Create a vlvindex component as a subobject of vlvsearch. The vlvsort attribute must be set to uid.

  3. Build the VLV index using the vlvindex command or other mechanism.

  4. Set permissions through access control instructions (ACI) for the following:

    • vlvsearch object

    • vlvindex

    • the directory the index was created for.

      To set up VLV for the changelog, use the following general steps. Refer to the Directory Server documentation for detailed instructions.

  5. If you have not already done so, create a browsing index for the changelog. If you use the Directory Server user interface, then by default, a vlvsearch object named “MCC cn=changelog” and a vlvindex object named “SN MCC cn=changelog” will be created.

  6. Set permissions through access control instructions (ACI) so that the Waveset account has read, compare, and search rights for the following:

    • The changelog (cn=changelog)

    • The vlvsearch object (cn=”MCC cn=changelog”,cn=config,cn=ldbm)

    • The vlvindex object (“SN MCC cn=changelog”,cn=config,cn=ldbm)

    On some versions of Directory Server, the changelog nsLookThroughLimit attribute has a hard-coded value of 5,000. To avoid hitting the changelog lookthrough limit, restrict the maximum number of changelog entries that are kept on the server to less than 5,000. To avoid losing changelog entries, set the polling frequency for the adapter to a short interval.

Disabling and Enabling Accounts

The LDAP adapter provides several ways to disable accounts on an LDAP resource. Use one of the following techniques to disable accounts.

Change the Password to an Unknown Value

To disable accounts by changing the password to an unknown value accounts, leave the LDAP Activation Method and LDAP Activation Parameter fields blank. This is the default method for disabling accounts. The account can be re-enabled by assigning a new password.

Assign the nsmanageddisabledrole Role

To use the nsmanageddisabledrole LDAP role to disable and enable accounts, configure the LDAP resource as follows:

ProcedureConfiguring the LDAP Resource to Use the nsmanageddisabledrole LDAP Role

  1. On the Resource Parameters page, set the LDAP Activation Method field to nsmanageddisabledrole.

  2. Set the LDAP Activation Parameter field to IDMAttribute=CN=nsmanageddisabledrole,baseContext. (IDMAttribute will be specified on the schema in the next step.)

  3. On the Account Attributes page, add IDMAttribute as an Identity System User attribute. Set the Resource User attribute to nsroledn. The attribute must be of type string.

  4. Create a group named nsAccountInactivationTmp on the LDAP resource and assign CN=nsdisabledrole,baseContext as a member.

    LDAP accounts can now be disabled. To verify using the LDAP console, check the value of the nsaccountlock attribute. A value of true indicates the account is locked.

    If the account is later re-enabled, the account is removed from the role.

Set the nsAccountLock Attribute

To use the nsAccountLock attribute to disable and enable accounts, configure the LDAP resource as follows:

ProcedureConfiguring the LDAP Resource to Use the nsAccountLock Attribute

  1. On the Resource Parameters page, set the LDAP Activation Method field to nsaccountlock.

  2. Set the LDAP Activation Parameter field to IDMAttribute=true. (IDMAttribute will be specified on the schema in the next step.) For example, accountLockAttr=true.

  3. On the Account Attributes page, add the value specified in the LDAP Activation Parameter field as an Identity System User attribute. Set the Resource User attribute to nsaccountlock. The attribute must be of type string.

  4. Set the nsAccountLock LDAP attribute on the resource to true.

    Waveset sets nsaccountlock to true when disabling an account. It also assumes that pre-existing LDAP users that have nsaccountlock set to true are disabled. If the nsaccountlock has any value other than true (including null), the system concludes the user is enabled.

Disable Accounts without the nsmanageddisabledrole and nsAccountLock Attributes

If the nsmanageddisabledrole and nsAccountLock attributes are not available on your directory server, but the directory server has a similar method of disabling accounts, enter one of the following class names into the LDAP Activation Method field. The value to enter in the LDAP Activation Parameter field varies, depending on the class.

Class Name  

When to Use:  


The directory server enables an account by setting an attribute to false, and disables an account by setting the attribute to true. 

Add the attribute to the schema map. Then enter the Waveset name for the attribute (defined on the left side of the schema map) in the LDAP Activation Parameter field.


The directory server enables an account by setting an attribute to true, and disables an account by setting the attribute to false. 

Add the attribute to the schema map. Then enter the Waveset name for the attribute (defined on the left side of the schema map) in the LDAP Activation Parameter field.


Waveset should disable accounts by pulling an attribute/value pair from LDAP and enable accounts by pushing an attribute/value pair to LDAP. 

Add the attribute to the schema map. Then enter the attribute/value pair in the LDAP Activation Parameter field. Use the Waveset name for the attribute, as defined on the left side of the schema map.


Waveset should disable accounts by pushing an attribute/value pair to LDAP and enable accounts by pulling an attribute/value pair from LDAP. 

Add the attribute to the schema map. Then enter the attribute/value pair in the LDAP Activation Parameter field. Use the Waveset name for the attribute, as defined on the left side of the schema map.


The directory uses a specific role to determine the account status. If an account is assigned to this role, the account is disabled. 

Add the role name to the schema map. Then enter a value in the LDAP Activation Parameter field, using the following format:


IDMAttribute is the Waveset name for the role, as defined on the left side of the schema map.

ADAM Support

The LDAP adapter can be configured to provision to Microsoft’s Active Directory Application Mode (ADAM). The following sections describe how to enable ADAM support.

Modifying the ADAM Schema

The ADAM schema may have to be adjusted for use with Waveset. The resource schema and the identity template in an LDAP resource often contains a reference to a unique identifier (or account ID). ADAM differs from other LDAP implementation in that

The ADAM schema defines the attribute index configuration. Each attribute definition entry in the schema has a searchFlags attribute. For example, the definition for Uid is located at cn=Uid,cn=Schema under the schema context. The searchFlags attribute is a bitmask and values 1 (create index), 2 (create index in each container) and 64 (index to support efficient VLV queries) are related to indexing.

Refer to the Microsoft documentation on updating the schema in an ADAM instance.

Enabling and Disabling Accounts in ADAM

Reconciliation in ADAM can use either the Paged Results Control or the Virtual List View Control. To use the former, check the “Use Paged Results Control” checkbox in the resource's resource parameters configuration page. To use the latter, the attribute named in the “VLV Sort Attribute” field on the resource's resource parameters configuration page must be indexed in ADAM with the option to support efficient VLV queries. See Modifying the ADAM Schema for details.

Active Sync is not supported with ADAM.

Use the following procedure to allow Waveset to enable and disable accounts in ADAM.

ProcedureEnabling and Disabling Accounts in ADAM

  1. On the LDAP Resource Parameters page, set the LDAP Activation Method parameter to com.waveset.adapter.util.ActivationByAttributePushDisablePullEnable

  2. Set the LDAP Activation Parameter to Identity_System_Attribute=true (The Identity System attribute will be specified on the Account Attributes page in the next step.) For example, MyUserAccountDisabled=true

  3. On the Account Attributes page, add the Identity System attribute specified in the LDAP Activation Parameter field as an Identity System User attribute. Set the Resource User attribute to msDS-UserAccountDisabled. The attribute must be of type string.