Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Business Administrator's Guide

ProcedureTo Start A Delete, Unassign, or Unlink Action for Multiple Users

You can perform a delete operation on more than one Waveset user account at a time, however, you can only perform the selected delete operation on all of the users’ resource accounts.

Delete operations can also be performed using Waveset’s Bulk Account Actions feature. See Delete, DeleteAndUnlink, Disable, Enable, Unassign, and Unlink Commands.

Note –

You can use the Delete Resource Accounts page to unassign or unlink resource accounts when the Delete operation has been disabled.

  1. In the Administrator interface, click Accounts in the main menu.

    The User List page displays on the List Accounts tab.

  2. Select one or more users and click the User Actions drop-down menu.

  3. Select any of the Deletion actions (Delete, Deprovision, Unassign, or Unlink) from the list.

    Waveset displays the Confirm Delete, Unassign, or Unlink page (Figure 3–5).

  4. Specify the action to be performed.

    The options include:

    • Delete user only. Deletes the users’ Waveset accounts. This option does not delete or unassign the users’ resource accounts.

    • Delete user and resource accounts. Deletes the users’ Waveset accounts and all of the users’ resource accounts.

    • Delete resource accounts only. Deletes all of the users’ resource accounts. This option does not unassign the resource accounts, nor does it delete the users’ Waveset accounts.

    • Delete resource accounts and unassign directly assigned resources from user. Deletes and unassigns all of the users’ resource accounts, but does not delete the users’ Waveset accounts.

    • Unassign directly assigned resource accounts from user. Unassigns directly assigned resource accounts. This option does not delete the users’ accounts on the remote resources. Resource accounts assigned through a role or resource group are not affected.

    • Unlink resource accounts from user. The users’ resource account information is removed from Waveset. The users’ accounts on the remote resources are not deleted and are not unassigned. Accounts that are indirectly assigned to the users through a role or resource group may be restored when the users are updated.

  5. Click OK.

    Figure 3–5 shows the Confirm Delete, Unassign, or Unlink page. The top portion of the page displays the six available actions that can be carried out for multiple users. The bottom portion of the page displays the users who will be affected by the selected action.

    Figure 3–5 The Confirm Delete, Unassign, or Unlink Page

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