Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Business Administrator's Guide

ProcedureTo Configure Approval Timeouts

Use the following steps to configure approval timeouts in the Approval times out after section.

  1. Select the Approval times out after checkbox.

    The adjacent text field and menu become active, and the Timeout Action options display, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 9–16 Approval Timeout Options

    Figure showing the Timeout Action options

  2. Use the Approval times out after text field and menu to specify a timeout period as follows:

    1. Select seconds, minutes, hours, or days from the menu.

    2. Enter a number in the text field to indicate how many seconds, minutes, hours, or days you want to specify for the timeout.

      Note –

      The Approval times out after setting affects both initial approvals and escalated approvals.

  3. Use the Timeout Action buttons to specify what happens when the approval request times out.

    Click one of the following:

    • Reject Request. Waveset automatically rejects the request if it is not approved before the specified timeout period.

    • Escalate the approval. Waveset automatically escalates the request to another approver if the request is not approved before the specified timeout period.

      When you enable this button, new options display because you must specify how Waveset will determine approvers for an escalated approval. Continue to To Configure the Determine Escalation Approvers From Section for instructions.

    • Execute a task. Waveset automatically executes an alternate task if the approval request is not approved before the specified timeout period.

      Enable this button and the Approval Timeout Task menu displays so you can specify a task to execute if the approval request times out. Continue to To Configure the Approval Timeout Task Section for instructions.