Oracle Waveset Service Provider 8.1.1 Deployment

Link Correlation Rule

The linkTargets IDMXUser view option allows the caller to specify the list of resources that should be targeted for linking. When using forms, the list can be provided as a form property with the same name. Form properties are assimilated into view options when the IDMXUser view is checked in.

A link correlation rule selects resource accounts that the user might own. Given the view of the user, a link correlation rule returns an identity, a list of identities, or an option map.

If the rule returns an option map, then the view handler uses the map to look for resource accounts and obtains a list of identities that satisfy these options. For example, the searchFilter option of the getResourceObjects FormUtil method can be used to pass a search filter to an LDAP resource adapter.

A link correlation rule must have the authType attribute set to SPERule with the subtype set to SUBTYPE_SPE_LINK_CORRELATION_RULE.