Oracle Waveset Service Provider 8.1.1 Deployment

Localizing Strings in the Navigation Bars and Page Titles

Strings that appear in the horizontal navigation bars and browser title are handled by the Struts framework and are referred to by message keys in the resource bundle which use the “dot notation” naming convention.

For example, to change the subnavigation tab for “Password” (under the “My Profile” tab) to use the string “My Password” we must first look up the message bundle key. This is defined in $WSHOME/WEB-INF/spe/config/tiles-tab-defs.xml :

<!-- Unselected sub-navigation tab for changing the user’s password -->
<definition name=".subnav_tab.Password" extends=".subnav_tab.Base">
   <put name="button_link" value="/spe/user/protected/" />
   <put name="button_label_key" value="" />

In this case, the message bundle key is used for the (en_US) string “Password” which will appear as the tab label text. See above for how to extract and modify the message resource bundle file.

Note that the above Tile definition extends a definition called .subnav_tab.Base , which is defined as follows:

<!-- Base type for unselected sub-navigation tabs -->
<definition name=".subnav_tab.Base" path="/spe/user/common/tiles/subnav_tab.jsp" 
   <put name="button_link" value="${button_link}" />
   <put name="button_label_key" value="${button_label_key}" />
   <put name="link_class" value="Tab2Lnk" />

We are passing the parameter ${button_label_key} a specific value of “” in the .subnav_tab.Password definition. The base tile definition has a controller class associated with it called com.sun.idm.idmx.web.LocalizeButtonLabel . The purpose of this controller class is to take the value of parameters passed to it, like button_label_key, look them up in the message bundle and put the resulting string back into the Tiles context so that they may be referred to in the rendering Tile. The JSP which renders an unselected subnavigation bar tab, subnav_tab.jsp, looks like:

<%@ taglib uri="/tags/struts-tiles" prefix="tiles" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/tags/spe" prefix="spe" %>
<tiles:useAttribute name="button_link"/>
<tiles:useAttribute name="button_text"/>
<tiles:useAttribute name="link_class"/>
<td><a href="<%=request.getContextPath()+button_link%>" tabindex="<spe:counter/>" 

Note that the controller puts the message bundle string back into the Tiles context as the attribute button_text.

A similar technique is used to define the strings which will appear as titles and subtitles on pages which are simple Struts forms (as opposed to a “form” created by the Waveset forms engine). An example of a Struts form is the OperationResult page. This page displays the results of an operation like changing a user’s password or notification address. A controller class called com.sun.idm.idmx.web.LocalizePageTitles is associated with the base tile definition for this page. This controller class may be passed message bundle keys for the page title:

<!-- Page showing success message after a user resets the password. -->
<definition name=".page.ResetPasswordSuccess" extends=".page.OperationResultNoAuth">
   <put name="forward_id" value="ResetPasswordSuccess" />
   <put name="page_title_key" value="page.title.password_reset_success" />
   <put name="page_subtitle_key" value="page.subtitle.password_reset_success" />