Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Deployment Reference


The following example expands on the field definition for the field P1 defined above. It defines how a phone number attribute is read into the form, and consequently expands into the three field displays.

<Field name=’P1’>
   <Display class=’Text’>
      <Property name=’title’ value=’Office Number’/>
      <Property name=’size’ value=’3’/>
      <Property name=’maxlength’ value=’3’/>

When a user enters data into Waveset, the form can ensure the data is entered properly. However, Waveset cannot ensure that data entered directly into the resource meets the same requirements. For example, over the years, administrators might have entered the phone number as 123-4567 (8 characters), 123-123-4567 (12 characters), or (123) 123-4567 (14 characters).