Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Deployment Reference

Recalculating Fields

The system performs field calculations many times when a user is working on a form. The field is calculated when it is first displayed, which sets any default values, and the form is calculated when the user clicks Save. Two other actions can cause the form to be evaluated: clicking Recalculate on the Edit User page and action fields.


   <Display class=’Button’>
      <Property name=’label’ value=’Recalculate’/>
      <Property name=’command’ value=’Recalculate’/>

To ensure that the system recalculates the value of a field, set action to true in the Display class element as shown below:

<Display class=’Select’ action=’true’>

Add this value only to fields that the user selects or clicks on. Do not add it to test or text area fields. When a field has action=true set, the form recalculates this form whenever the field is modified in the browser.


<Field name=’Region’>
   <Display class=’Select’ action=’true’>
      <Property name=’title’ value=’Geographic Region’/>
      <Property name=’allowedvalues’ value=’North, South,
Central, Midwest’./>
<Property name=’nullValue’ value=’Select a region’/>