Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Deployment Reference

Option 1: Adding a View Option to a Form

You can add a view option to the target form, as shown below. Note that this view option will override any system configuration setting. Specifically, if you set the view option to true, and the relevant system configuration attribute is false, Waveset follows the view option and ignores the system configuration setting.

If you are working with a target form that is not part of ActiveSync processing, set the savePasswordHistory attribute on the target form (typically User form) as shown below.

<Field name=’savePasswordHistory’>

To record password changes during Active Sync configuration, you must set the savePasswordHistory view option in a different way. You can modify the Synchronize User Password TaskDefinition by adding the following action to the SetPasswordView Activity.

<Activity id=’5’ name=’SetPasswordView’>
   <Action id=’0’>
          <set name=’PasswordView.resourceAccounts.password’>
<!-- Add action here -->
   <Action id=’1’>
         <set name=’PasswordView.savePasswordHistory’>
   <!-- end -->
   <Action id=’2’>
       <dolist name=’account’>