Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Deployment Reference


Waveset ships with a library of XPRESS functions that can be used in expressions. These functions are classified into the following categories:

Value Constructor Expressions

In XPRESS, literal values are written as text contained with an XML element. The element name is the name of a function, and the literal text is the argument to the function. The following functions are provided for constructing simple atomic data types.

array Function

Builds a value of type list by evaluating each of the argument expressions and concatenating the return values. The expression can take multiple arguments. Null values are not filtered.


   <s>wiper blades</s>

i Function

Constructs an integer value. The function takes one argument, which must be literal text. The text should contain only numeric digits and can be optionally preceded by a plus or minus.

Example 1


Example 2


Example 3


list Function

Builds a value of type list by evaluating each of the argument expressions and concatenating the return values. The expression can take multiple arguments. Null values will be filtered.


   <s>wiper blades</s>

map Function

Creates a map that consists of the key-value pairs of each subexpression.


   <!--Key 1-->
   <!--Value 1-->
   <!--Key n-->
   <!--Value n-->

null Function

Constructs a null value.

Example 1


Example 2


s Function

Constructs a string value. The function takes one argument, which must be literal text. (Length is constrained only by the amount of contiguous memory available in your Java environment.)


<s>Now is the time</s>

Arithmetic Expressions

Use the following functions to perform arithmetic processing within expressions.

add Function

Performs integer summation over the values of all arguments. Arguments that are not integers are coerced to integers.


The following expression results in an integer (42).

<add> <i>40</i> <i>1</i> <s>1</s> </add>

div Function

Performs successive integer division over the values of all arguments. Arguments that are not integers are coerced to integers.


The following expression results in an integer (42).

<div> <i>84</i> <i>2</i> </div>

mod Function

Performs successive integer modulo over the values of all arguments. Arguments are coerced to integers. Arguments of type null are ignored.


The following expression results in an integer (42).

<mod> <i>142</i> <i>100</i> </mod>

mult Function

Performs successive integer multiplication over the values of all arguments. Arguments that are not integers are coerced to integers.


The following expression results in an integer (42).

<mult> <i>7</i> <i>3</i> <i>2</i> </mult>

sub Function

Performs successive integer subtraction over the values of all arguments. Arguments that are not integers are coerced to integers.


The following expression results in an integer (42).

<sub> <i>50</i> <i>6</i> <i>2</i> </sub>

Logical Expressions

Use the following functions to perform logical operations within expressions. Most logical functions return 1 and 0 to indicate true or false. The exceptions are cmp, ncmp, and, and or.

and Function

Takes any number of arguments and returns zero if any argument values are logically false. If one child evaluates to false, the function does not evaluate subsequent children. If all arguments are logically true, the function returns the value of the last argument. Zero (<i>0</i> or <s>0</s>) and <null> are considered logically false.

Example 1

The following expression returns zero.

<and> <i>42</i> <s>cat</s> <i>null</i> </and>

Example 2

The following expression returns cat.

<and> <i>42</i> <s>cat</s> </and>

cmp Function

Compares two string values. You can use this function to sort a list of strings

The function returns:

Arguments are coerced to strings, if necessary.

Example 1

The following expression returns -1.


Example 2

The following expression returns -16. This expression returns a number that indicates the difference between the letters r and b when presented in alphabetical order. Since there are 16 letters between the letters b and r, when bob is compared to ray, the value is -16. Alternatively, if r were compared to b, the value returned would be 16.


Example 3

The following expression returns 0 (zero).


eq Function

Performs an equality test. The function can take multiple arguments, although typically it has only two. The data type of the first argument defines how the equality test is performed. If the first argument is of type:

This function returns:

0– statement is logically false

1– statement is logically true


<eq> <ref>role</ref> <s>engineering</s> </eq>

gt Function

Takes two arguments.

This function returns:



gte Function

Takes two arguments.

This function returns:


The following expression returns 1.


isFalse Function

Used when referencing Boolean values that are represented with the strings true and false rather than the number 0 and 1. Takes one argument.

This function returns:


The following expression returns 1.


isnull Function

Takes one argument.

This function returns:

Example 1

The following expression returns 1.

<isnull> <null/> </isnull>

Example 2

The following expression returns 0.

<isnull> <i>0</i> </isnull>

isTrue Function

Used when referencing Boolean values that are represented with the strings true and false rather than the number 0 and 1. Takes one argument.

This function returns:


The following expression returns 0.


lt Function

Takes two arguments.

This function returns:

Example 1

The following expression returns 0 (zero).


Example 2

The following expression returns 1.


lte Function

Takes two arguments.

This function returns:



ncmp Function

Performs case-insensitive comparison of two string values.

This function returns:

Arguments are coerced to strings, if necessary.


The following expression returns 0.


neq Function

Performs an inequality test. Its behavior is simply the negation of the equality test performed by the eq function.

This function returns:



not Function

Reverses the logic of the nested expression.

This function returns:


The following example returns 1.

<not> <eq> <i>42</i> <i>24</i> </eq> </not>

or Function

Takes multiple arguments.

This function returns:

0– all arguments are logically false

Value of the first argument expression that results in a logically true value

Example 1

The following expression returns 0, which is logically false.

<or> <i>0</i> <i>0</i> </or>

Example 2

The following expression returns the string cat, which is also logically true.

<or> <i>0</i> <s>cat</s> </or>

notnull Function

Takes one argument

This function returns:

0– null argument

1– non-null argument

Example 1

The value of the following expression is 1 if the firstname has been set or 0 (zero) if firstname is null.


Example 2

The value of the following expression is 0 because the value is null.


String Manipulation Expressions

Use the following functions to perform string manipulation within expressions.

indexOf Function

Returns the position of a string within another string.


The following function returns 3.


concat Function

Concatenates two or more string values.


The following expression returns <s>Now is the time</s>.

   <s>Now </s><s>is </s><s>the </s><s>time</s>

downcase Function

Takes a single argument, which is coerced to a string. It returns a copy of the argument with all upper case letters converted to lower case.


The following expression returns <s>abc</s>.


length Function

Returns the number of elements in the list. You can also use this function to return the length of a string.

first argument– list or string

Example 1

The following expression returns 2.


Example 2

   <s>Hello world!</s>

This expression returns a value of 11.

ltrim Function

Takes a single argument, which is coerced to a string.

It returns a copy of the argument with the leading white space removed.


The following expression returns <s>hello</s>.

<ltrim><s> hello</s></ltrim>

match Function

Deprecated. Use the contains function instead.

message Function

Formats a message by message catalog key.


<message severity-’ok’ name=’DEFAULT_MESSAGE’>
   <!--message parameter 0-->
   <!--message parameter n-->

pad Function

Pads a string with spaces so that it reaches a desired length.

first argument– the string to pad

second argument– desired length

third argument– (optional) specifies the pad character, which by default is a space


The following expression results in <s> email </s>

   <s> email</s>

rtrim Function

Takes a single argument, which is coerced to a string. It returns a copy of the argument with the trailing white space removed.


This example returns 0 (zero).

   <s>hello</s><rtrim><s>hello   </s></rtrim>

split Function

Splits a string into a list of strings.

first argument– string to be split

second argument– a set of one or more string delimiters. Each character in this string will cause a break.

A list is created that contains each substring between delimiters.

Example 1

   <s>Austin City Limits</s>
   <s> </s>

This expression returns the following list.


Example 2

The following expression uses multiple delimiters.


This expression returns the following list.


substr Function

Extracts ranges of characters from a string.

This function takes two forms:

For example, these two invocations are equivalent:

    <s>Hello World</s>


<substr s=’3’ l=’4’>
    <s>Hello World</s>

Both functions return the string lo W.

    <substr s=’3’ l=’4’>
       <s>Hello World</s> --> Hello World
    </substr> --> lo W
</block> --> lo W

The start and length parameters are optional. If the start argument is missing, either because only the string is specified as a child of the substr node as in

    <s>Hello World</s>

and the attribute s is also missing from the substr node, the start is assumed to be the beginning of the string. In other words, its value is zero if not specified explicitly.

first argument– string

second argument– starting position

third argument– number of characters to retrieve


The following expression returns <s>Now</s>.

   <s>Now is the time</s>

In the following example, the start attribute is missing, but is assumed to be 0:

    <substr l=’4’>
        <s>Hello World</s> --> Hello World
    </substr> --> Hell
</block> --> Hell

The length argument is also optional. A missing length argument causes the function to extract the rest of the string. length can be unspecified when only the string and start arguments are specified a child nodes of substr such as:

    <s>Hello World</s>

or when the l attribute is missing from the substr node like. Note that the length argument is unspecified below, but the rest of the string starting from this start is returned:

    <substr s=’3’>
       <s>Hello World</s> --> Hello World
    </substr> --> lo World
</block> --> lo World

trim Function

Takes a single argument, which is coerced to a string.

It returns a copy of the argument with the leading and trailing white space removed.


The following expression returns <s>hello</s>.

<trim><s> hello </s></trim>

upcase Function

Takes a single argument, which is coerced to a string.

It returns a copy of the argument with all lower case letters converted to upper case.


The following expression returns <s>ABC</s>.


ztrim Function

Returns the string value of the subexpression with leading zeros removed.


This function evaluates to <s>sample</s>.

List Manipulation Expressions

Most list manipulation functions have two forms depending upon whether the name attribute is included in the function element:

If the name is not included in the function element, a new list is constructed. In the following example, a new list is created by combining the elements of the list stored in the someList variable with two additional elements. The value of the someList variable is not modified.


Use the following functions to manipulate list elements.

append Function

Appends a value to a list. The argument list takes one of two forms depending on the presence of the name attribute. If name is not specified, then the first argument must be a list and the remaining arguments are elements to append to that list. A copy of the list is returned, the original list is not modified. If the name argument is used, then all arguments are considered objects to be appended to the list contained in the variable with that name. The list is modified without being copied.

Example 1

The following expression makes a copy of the list contained in the variable srclist then appends one element.


Example 2

The following expression modifies an existing list by appending a value.

<set name= ’somelist’>
<append name= ’somelist’>

appendAll Function

Merges the elements in multiple lists. If the name attribute is specified, an existing list is modified. Otherwise, a new list is created.

Example 1

The following expression creates a new list by combining the elements in srclist with three additional elements.


Example 2

The following expression adds three elements to the list stored in the variable srclist.

<appendAll name=’srclist’>

contains Function

first argument– list or string

second argument– any object to search for in the list or a substring to search for in the string

This function returns:

1 -- list contains a given value or the string contains the given substring

Example 1

The following expression returns 1.


Example 2

The following expression returns 1


containsAll Function

Takes two list arguments.

This function returns:

1 -- the list contains all elements contained in another list

0 (zero) -- the list does not contain all elements contained in the second list


The following expression returns 0.

      <s>wiper blades</s>

containsAny Function

first argument– list to be searched

second argument– an element or a list of elements to search for in the first list

This function returns:

1 -- first list contains any elements that are contained in a second list.

0 (zero) -- first list does not contain any elements that are contained in a second list.


The following expression returns 1.

      <s>wiper blades</s>

filterdup Function

Filters duplicate elements from a list. Given a list, it returns a new list in which duplicate entries have been removed.

Example 1


This expression returns the following list.


Example 2

You can also use this function to manipulate an existing list rather than creating a new list.

<filterdup name = ’namedlist’/>

filternull Function

Filters null elements from a list.

This function returns a single list removing all null elements (when given one list).



This expression returns the following list.


Example 2

You can also use this function to manipulate an existing list rather than creating a new list.

<filternull name = ’namedlist’/>

expand Function

Returns the string value of the subexpression with $() variable references expanded.



get Function

Retrieves the value of the nth element in the list. The list indexes starts count from zero (0). Arguments are a list and an integer.



This expression returns <s>oranges</s>

indexOf Function

first argument– a list value to search

second argument– value for which to search

third argument– (optional) starting index

This function returns either the ordinal position of a list element that matches a given value or -1 (the given value is not in the list).

Example 1

The following expression returns 1.


Example 2

The following expression returns 3.


insert Function

Inserts a value into the list. Elements following the insertion index down are shifted to make room for the new element.

first argument– a list to which an element is inserted

second argument– integer specifying position in the list at which to insert the new element

third argument– value to insert into the list

Example 1

   <s>wiper blades</s>

This expression returns the following list.

   <s>wiper blades</s>

This function can also take a named list.

<insert name=’name_of_list’>
<! -- position in which to insert the list>
<! -- value to insert>

Example 2

<insert name=’variable name of list’>
   <!--the position at which to insert -->
   <--!the value to insert -->

length Function

Returns the number of elements in the list. You can also use this function to return the length of a string.

first argument– list or string

Example 1

The following expression returns 2.


Example 2

   <s>Hello world!</s>

This expression returns a value of 11.

remove Function

Removes one or more elements from a list. The argument list takes one of two forms depending on the presence of the name attribute. If name is not specified, then the first argument must be a list and the remaining arguments are elements that are removed from that list. A copy of the list is returned. (The original list is not modified.) If the name argument is used, then all arguments are considered objects to be removed from the list contained in the variable with that name. The list is modified without being copied.

Example 1

The following expression makes a copy of the list contained in the variable srclist, then removes one element and returns the copy of the list.


Example 2

The following expression modifies an existing list by removing a value.

<set name= ’somelist’>
<remove name= ’somelist’>

removeAll Function

Removes all elements contained in one list from another list. If the name attribute is specified, an existing list is modified. Otherwise, a new list is created.

Example 1

The following expression creates a new list by removing the elements in srclist along with three additional elements.


Example 2

The following expression removes three elements in the list stored in the variable srclist.

<removeAll name=’srclist’>

This expression results in the following list.

   <s>wiper blades</s>

retainAll Function

Computes the intersection of two lists, and returns elements contained in both lists.

This function has two variants.

Example 1

Sets a named list to an intersection of it and the another list.

<retainAll name=’variable name of list’>
<!-- the other list-->

Example 2

Returns the intersection of two lists.

   <!-- the first list>
   <!-- second list-->

setlist Function

Assigns a value into a specified position in a list, overwriting its current value. If necessary, the list is extended to contain the indexed element. New elements created during list extension will be null.

first argument– list

second argument– integer specifying position in the list at which to insert the new element, starting with zero.

third argument– element

Example 1

      <s>wiper blades</s>

This expression results in the following list and returns null.


Example 2

      <s>wiper blades</s>

This expression results in the following list and returns null.


Conditional, Iteration, and Block Expressions

Use these functions to perform conditional and block processing within expressions.

block Function

Groups more than one expression into a single expression. The value of the block function is the value of its last argument.

Note –

The <set> function does not return a value. If the last line in a block statement involves a set operation, the block statement will not return a value. If you want the block statement to return the value of a variable, use <ref>variable_name</ref> on the last line of the block statement.


    <s>Hello there!</s>
    <add> <i>100</i> <i>2</i> </add>

The block returns a value of 42, the value of its last argument.

For an example of using block with a trace statement, see Debugging and Testing Expressions.

break Function

Forces early termination of an expression. A break can be used within the following expressions: block, dolist, while, and, or. The value of the break expression becomes the value of the containing expression. The break can cause the termination of several levels of expression when the optional block name is used.

Example 1

The following expression contains a simple break terminating a loop.

<dolist name=’el’>

In this example, the dolist function iterates over the elements of a list looking for value 000. The value of the dolist function is a list formed by concatenating the values that are returned by the last subexpression in each iteration.

Example 2

The following expression demonstrates the use of a block name to break through more than one level.

<block name=’outer block’>
  <dolist name=’el’>
    <dolist name=’el2’>
        <break name=’outer block’>

This is similar to the previous example except that there are two loops. The outer loop iterates over a list whose elements are themselves lists. The inner loop iterates over the element lists. When the value 000 is found, both loops are terminated by referencing the block name outer block in the break expression.

cond Function

Provides a way to conditionally select the value of one of two expressions. It is similar to the ternary conditional operator (a?b:c) in C and Java.


The cond function allows three arguments. The first argument is called the condition. If the value of the condition is logically true, the value of the cond will be the value of the second argument. If the value of the condition is false, the value of the cond will be the value of the third argument. If the value of the condition is false, and the third argument not present, the value of the cond is null.


dolist Function

Iterates over the elements of a list. The value of the name attribute will become the name of variable that can be referenced within the loop.

The value of this variable will be the value of successive list elements.

The first subexpression returns the list over which to loop. The remaining subexpressions are repeated once for each element in the list.

The value of the dolist function is a list formed by concatenating the values returned by the last subexpression in each iteration.


The following expression creates a list called subset, which contains the subset of elements in srclist that exceed 10.

<set name=’subset’>
    <dolist name=’el’>

switch Function

first argument - any XPRESS expression

second arguments - series of <case> elements

The first argument is evaluated and compared against each of the <case> elements until a match is found. The <switch> function evaluates to the first <case> for which there is a match. If no match is found, the <switch> evaluates to the <case> element where default=’true’.


The following expression returns apples.

   <case default=’true’>

select Function

Returns the first non-null (and non-zero) value in a list.



If you have the following statement:


This statement would first check to see if first was null. If not, it would return the value of first, or move on to the next item until one returns true or all items are exhausted.

You can use this function when you need to obtain the correct context from, for example, a workflow or when calling a formUtil method.

Using select in this way allows you to call formUtil methods from anywhere in Waveset without knowing which variable houses the Lighthouse Context. In a form, you would specify the context with <ref>:display.session</ref>. However, for the same FormUtil call in a Workflow, you must instead use <ref>context</ref>.

while Function

Repeats a set of expressions until a condition is met. The first subexpression is called the conditional and will be evaluated each time through the loop. The loop terminates when the conditional is logically false. The value of the while expression is the value of the last expression in the loop during the last iteration.


The following expression returns null.

   <set name=’counter’>
      <sub> <ref>counter</ref>

Variables and Function Definition Expressions

Use the following functions to reference and define variables and functions within expressions.

ref Function

References the value of a variable. The variable can either be an external variable supported by the host application or an internal variable defined with <defvar>.

Example 1


Example 2

<defvar name=’milk’><s>milkvalue</s></defvar>
<defvar name=’shake’><s>milk</s></defvar>

evaluates to <s>milkshake</s>

defvar Function

Defines a new variable. The variable can then be referenced by any expression within and below the containing expression in which the variable was defined. The variable must be given a name using the XML attribute name.

A defvar statement should not reference itself. If it does, it will cause a loop.

Note –

Avoid the following constructions.

<defvar name=’fullname’>


<defvar name=’counter’/>

Example 1

The following expression defines a variable and initializes its value to a list of two elements.

<defvar name=’theList’>

Example 2

The following expression defines a variable and initializes its value to the integer zero.

<defvar name=’counter’>

defarg Function

Defines an argument within a function defined with <defun>. Arguments are similar to variables, but they must be defined in the order in which arguments are passed to the function.


<defarg name=’arg1’/>
<defarg name=’arg2’/>

defun Function

Defines a new function. The <defarg> function must be used to declare the arguments to a function. Use the <call> function to execute the function. Functions are typically defined within forms.


<defun name=’add100’>
   <defarg name=’input’/>

call Function

Calls a user-defined function. The arguments to call are assigned to arguments with <defarg> in the so-called function. The order of the call arguments must match the order of the <defarg>s. In previous releases, the call function could be used to call rules. Now, use the rule function for that purpose.


The following expression returns 142.

<call name=’add100’>

rule Function

Calls a rule. The arguments to rule are passed by name using the argument element. The value of an argument can be specified with the value attribute if it is a simple string. The argument value can also be calculated with an expression by omitting the value attribute and instead writing an expression within the body of the argument element.

A <rule> element can also call another rule that dynamically calculate the name of another rule to call.

For more information on creating or calling rules in forms and workflows, see the chapter titled Rules.


The following expression returns the employee ID of the designated user.

<rule name=’getEmployeeId’>
    <argument name=’accountId’ value=’maurelius’/>

<rule name=’getEmployeeId’>
   <argument name=’accountId’>

The following expression calls another rule that calculates the returned value.

    <argument name=’arg1’>

Object Manipulation Expressions

Use the following functions to manipulate arbitrary object values within expressions.

get Function

Retrieves a value from within an object. The

first argument Must be a List, Map, or Object.

second argument– Must be a String or Integer. If the first argument is a List, the second argument is coerced to an integer and used as a list index. If the first argument is a GenericObject, the second argument is assumed to be the name of a JavaBean property.

The function behaves differently if the first argument is a list. If the first argument is a list, then the second argument is an integer list index. The element at that index is returned.


This expression returns a string that is the name of the currently assigned role for the user.

   <!--List, Map, or Object -->
   <!-- String -->

This expression is equivalent to call userView.getRole() in Java code.

putmap Function

Assigns map elements to an object.

map– specifies the map.

key– specifies the map key.

value– specifies the value to assign to the map key.



setlist Function

Assigns list elements to an object.

list– specifies the list

index– specifies the order of elements in the list

value– specifies the value to assign to the list element



setvar Function

Set the value on the variable. This function accepts a static variable name.

name– identifies the name of the variable

value– specifies the value to assign to the variable




Identifies whether an object is an instance of the type specified in the name parameter.

name– identifies the object type you are checking against.

This function returns 1 or 0 (true or false) depending on whether the sub expression object is an instance of the type specified in the name parameter.


The following expression returns 1 because ArrayList is a List

<instanceof name=’List’>
    <new class=’java.util.ArrayList’/>

Java and JavaScript Expressions

Use the following functions to call and manipulate Java classes or JavaScript functions from within expressions.

invoke Function

Invokes a method on a Java object or class.

There are two forms of this function:

static method

<invoke class=’class name’ name=’method name’>
   <!--method argument 0 -->
   <!--method argument n-->

instance method

<invoke class=’method name’>
   <!--the object to invoke the method on -->
   <!--method argument 0 -->
   <!--method argument n-->

To use this function, you must be familiar with the class and method names you want to call, the arguments they take, and the method’s actions. This function is frequently used to call the following Waveset classes:

For more information, see the available documentation for these classes.

new Function

Creates an instance of a Java class. The class name is provided in the XML class attribute and must be fully qualified with the class package name.

You can also use this function to create a new object and return it as the value of an expression or rule without necessarily invoking methods on it.


<new class=’classname’/>
<!--constructor argument 0-->
<!--constructor argument n-->

script Function

Encapsulates a fragment of JavaScript. When this expression is evaluated, the JavaScript interpreter is launched to process the script. The value of the expression is the value of the last JavaScript statement. Within the script, the object env can be used to access variables in the host application.

Avoid using JavaScript in performance-critical expressions such as <Disable> expressions in forms. Short XPRESS expressions are easier to debug using the built-in tracing facilities. Use JavaScript for complex logic in workflow actions.


   var arg1 = env.get(’arg1’);
   arg1 + 100;

   var cal Now = Calendar.getInstance();
   cal Now.getTime()

Debugging and Testing Expressions

Enabling tracing can result in a large amount of trace data.

Use the following functions to enable expression trace or print text to help diagnose problems in an expression.

Note –

Globally enabling trace may result in a large amount of trace data being printed. If it is usually better to enable trace at the block level by setting the trace attribute of the block element to true.

trace Function

Enables or disables expression tracing. If the argument evaluates to true, tracing is enabled.

If tracing is enabled, it will go to standard output.

Example 1


Example 2


print Function

Prints the value of each subexpression to standard output.


   <s>Ashley World!</s>