Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Deployment Reference

Example of Multiple Alert Messages

Define alertType only within the InlineAlert property. You can define other properties in the InlineAlert$AlertItems.

   <Display class=’InlineAlert’>
      <Property name=’alertType’ value=’error’/>
     <Display class=’InlineAlert$AlertItem’>
        <Property name=’header’ value=’Server Unreachable’/>
        <Property name=’value’ value=’The specified server could not be contacted. 
                                      Please view the logs for more information.’/>
        <Property name=’linkURL’ value=’viewLogs.jsp’/>
        <Property name=’linkText’ value=’View logs’/>
        <Property name=’linkTitle’ value=’Open a new window with the server logs’/>
     <Display class=’InlineAlert$AlertItem’>
        <Property name=’header’ value=’Invalid IP Address’/>
        <Property name=’value’ value=’The IP address entered is in an invalid subnet. 
                                      Please use the 192.168.0.x subnet.’/>