Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Web Services

Default SPML Configuration

The following example shows the default SPML configuration. The text of the SPML schema definitions have been omitted for brevity.

Example 1–1 Default SPML Configuration

<Configuration name='SPML' authType='SPML'>
  <Attribute name='classes'>
      <Object name='person'>
        <Attribute name='type' value='User'/>
        <Attribute name='form' value='SPMLPerson'/>
        <Attribute name='default' value='true'/>
        <Attribute name='identifier' value='uid'/>
      <!-- Class 'user' defines no form so we'll default to a builtin 
simplified schema. I don't really like this but SimpleRpc currently depends on it.
      <Object name='user'>
        <Attribute name='type' value='User'/>
        <Attribute name='identifier' value='waveset.accountId'/>
      <!-- Class 'userview' defines the form "view" which causes the view 
to pass through unmodified-->      <Object name='userview'>
        <Attribute name='type' value='User'/>
        <Attribute name='form' value='view'/>
        <Attribute name='identifier' value='waveset.accountId'/>
        <Attribute name='multiValuedAttributes'>
      <Object name='role'>
        <Attribute name='type' value='Role'/>
        <Attribute name='form' value='SPMLRole'/>
        <Attribute name='default' value='true'/>
        <Attribute name='identifier' value='name'/> <!--  attribute ...for now? -->

Two classes are defined in this example:

The following attributes are supported in a class definition: