Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Upgrade

Task 2: Choose the Target Waveset Version (Enhanced)

When performing a skip-level upgrade, you must plan your upgrade path after deciding which Waveset version is your target.

Note –

For information about Waveset upgrade paths, see Oracle Waveset Upgrade Paths in Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Release Notes.

The standard upgrade processes supplied with each full Waveset release will generally upgrade an existing installation from any version of the previous major release.

Remember that each stop in the upgrade path requires a different version of the Waveset product. To plan your skip-level upgrade, you must read the Release Notes provided for the Waveset product version at each stop in the upgrade path.

For example, if you are upgrading from Identity Manager version 6.0 to Waveset version 8.1.1, you must read the Release Notes for the following versions: