Oracle Waveset Installation

Point the Waveset Repository to the Data Source

ProcedureTo Point the repository to a Newly Created Data Source

  1. Set the WSHOME environment variable to point to your Waveset installation; for example:

    export WSHOME=$WAS_HOME/installedApps/idm.ear/idm.war

    where $WAS_HOME is the WebSphere home directory, such as /usr/WebSphere/AppServer

  2. Make sure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set correctly; for example:

    export JAVA_HOME=$WAS_HOME/java

  3. Make sure that the Java executable is in your path; for example:

    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin;$PATH

  4. Make sure the classpath is pointing to the WebSphere properties directory. For example

    export CLASSPATH=$WAS_HOME/properties

  5. Change to the $WSHOME/bin directory.

  6. (For SQLServer only): Install JTA support:

    1. Copy the sqljdbc.dll file located in the SQLServer JTA directory to the SQL_SERVER_ROOT/binn directory of the SQLServer database server.

      Note –

      The default location of the SQLServer JTA directory is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Driver for JDBC\SQLServer JTA. The default location of SQL_SERVER_ROOT/binn is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Binn.

    2. From the database server, use the ISQL or OSQL utility to run the instjdbc.sql script, which is also found in the SQLServer JTA directory. The following examples illustrate the use of these utilities:

      isql -Usa -p sa-password -S server-name -i location \instjdbc.sqlosql -E -i location \instjdbc.sql

  7. Archive a copy of the existing ServerRepository.xml file, in case you need to revert. By default, this file is located in $WSHOME/WEB-INF (UNIX), or %WSHOME%\WEB-INF (Windows).

  8. Point the repository to the new location. For example:

    lh -Djava.ext.dirs="$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib:$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext:
       $WASHOME/lib:$WASHOME/:$WASHOME/runtimes" setRepo
     -toracle -fDataSourcePath -n -o

    In the above example the DataSourcePath might be jdbc/jndiname. The -Djava.ext.dirs option adds all of the JAR files in WebSphere’s lib/ and java/jre/lib/ext/ directories to the CLASSPATH. This is necessary in order for the setRepo command to run normally.

    Change the -f location flag to match the value you specified for the JNDI Name field when configuring the data source. See Appendix F, setRepo Reference for more information about this command.

  9. In the RepositoryConfiguration configuration object, set the connectionPoolDisable attribute to true.

    <RepositoryConfiguration connectionPoolDisable=’true’>

    This setting prevents WebSphere from sending extraneous warnings to the SystemOut.log file. For more information, see

  10. Restart WebSphere to pick up changes. (This also restarts the system.)