The Java EE 6 Tutorial, Volume I

The timersession Example

The source code for this example is in the tut-install/examples/ejb/timersession/src/java/ directory.

TimerSessionBean is a singleton session bean that shows how to set both an automatic timer and a programmatic timer. In the source code listing of TimerSessionBean that follows, the setTimer and @Timeout methods are used to set a programmatic timer. A TimerService instance is injected by the container when the bean is created. Because it’s a business method, setTimer is exposed to the local, no-interface view of TimerSessionBean and can be invoked by the client. In this example, the client invokes setTimer with an interval duration of 30,000 milliseconds. The setTimer method creates a new timer by invoking the createTimer method of TimerService. Now that the timer is set, the EJB container will invoke the programmaticTimeout method of TimerSessionBean when the timer expires, in about 30 seconds.

    public void setTimer(long intervalDuration) {"Setting a programmatic timeout for " +
                intervalDuration + " milliseconds from now.");
        Timer timer = timerService.createTimer(intervalDuration, 
                "Created new programmatic timer");
    public void programmaticTimeout(Timer timer) {
        this.setLastProgrammaticTimeout(new Date());"Programmatic timeout occurred.");

TimerSessionBean also has an automatic timer and timeout method, automaticTimeout. The automatic timer is set to expire every 3 minutes, and is set using a calendar-based timer expression in the @Schedule annotation.

    @Schedule(minute="*/3", hour="*")
    public void automaticTimeout() {
        this.setLastAutomaticTimeout(new Date());"Automatic timeout occured");

TimerSessoinBean also has two business methods, getLastProgrammaticTimeout and getLastAutomaticTimeout. Clients call these methods to get the date and time of the last timeout for the programmatic timer and automatic timer, respectively.

Here’s the source code for the TimerSessionBean class:

package timersession.ejb;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
import javax.ejb.Schedule;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;
import javax.ejb.Timeout;
import javax.ejb.Timer;
import javax.ejb.TimerService;

public class TimerSessionBean {
    TimerService timerService;

    private Date lastProgrammaticTimeout;
    private Date lastAutomaticTimeout;
    private Logger logger = Logger
    public void setTimer(long intervalDuration) {"Setting a programmatic timeout for " +
                intervalDuration + " milliseconds from now.");
        Timer timer = timerService.createTimer(intervalDuration, 
                "Created new programmatic timer");
    public void programmaticTimeout(Timer timer) {
        this.setLastProgrammaticTimeout(new Date());"Programmatic timeout occurred.");

    @Schedule(minute="*/3", hour="*")
    public void automaticTimeout() {
        this.setLastAutomaticTimeout(new Date());"Automatic timeout occured");

    public String getLastProgrammaticTimeout() {
        if (lastProgrammaticTimeout != null) {
            return lastProgrammaticTimeout.toString();
        } else {
            return "never";

    public void setLastProgrammaticTimeout(Date lastTimeout) {
        this.lastProgrammaticTimeout = lastTimeout;

    public String getLastAutomaticTimeout() {
        if (lastAutomaticTimeout != null) {
            return lastAutomaticTimeout.toString();
        } else {
            return "never";

    public void setLastAutomaticTimeout(Date lastAutomaticTimeout) {
        this.lastAutomaticTimeout = lastAutomaticTimeout;

Note –

Enterprise Server has a default minimum timeout value of 1000 milliseconds, or 1 second. If you need to set the timeout value lower than 1000 milliseconds, change the value of the minimum-delivery-interval-in-millis element in domain-dir/config/domain.xml. Due to virtual machine constraints, the lowest practical value for minimum-delivery-interval-in-millis is around 10 milliseconds.