The Java EE 6 Tutorial, Volume I

Troubleshooting the Basic Authentication Example

    When doing iterative development with this web application, follow these steps if you are using NetBeans IDE:

  1. Close your web browser.

  2. Clean and recompile the files from the previous build by right-clicking hello2_basicauth and selecting Clean and Build.

  3. Redeploy the application by right-clicking hello2_basicauth and selecting Undeploy and Deploy.

  4. Open your web browser and reload the following URL:


    Follow these steps if you are using the Ant tool:

  1. Close your web browser.

  2. Undeploy the web application. To undeploy the application, use the following command in the directory:

    ant undeploy
  3. Clean out files from the previous build, using the following command:

    ant clean
  4. Recompile, repackage, and redeploy the application, using the following commands:

    ant deploy
  5. Open your web browser and reload the following URL:
